Mirror Magazine


A glimpse of Big Brother
StageLight&Magic Inc.'s latest production, Big Brother is Watching goes on the boards of the Lionel Wendt Theatre from June 6 to 8. Based on the book 1984 by George Orwell and directed by Feroze Kamardeen, the production stars Marsh Dodanwela, Kisholi de Mel, Chamath Arambewela, Neluka Silva, Wanda Godlieb, Nishani Jayamaha, Kisholi Mendis, Arjuna Koralagama and Dininda Paranahewa.

Big Brother is Watching is a powerful, gritty drama about a world of state oppression, thought police, love and betrayal. It is a play that makes a timely statement about the world that we live in today and the production promises to be an imaginative and gripping piece of theatre. Here are some of the extracts of the play:

"I think, I exist, I was born and I shall die." -Winston Smith

"Power is inflicting pain... tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again. Do you begin to see what kind of a world we are creating? It will be a world of fear and treachery and torment... if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - FOREVER!" - Comrade O'Brien

"A beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Absolutely the best way to control thought. NewSpeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year, why, the whole aim of NewSpeak is to narrow the range of thought." - Comrade Syme

"The Proles sing, the birds sing, only the Party does not sing. They are the hope... we are the dead." - Winston Smith

"You're a traitor! An Eurasian spy!! I'll shoot you! You have a woman in your rooms! I'll vaporise you!" - Gladys

"Here is your fourth block Smith. They won't add upto five unless you have all four. You may sleep when you see five." - Martin

"I love you so much. It's been terrible to work beside you and not show it for fear of the telescreen...." - Comrade Julia

"Confession isn't betrayal. What you say or do doesn't matter - only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you - that would be the real betrayal." -Winston Smith

"Big Brother is false to you. He has usurped power. He is a ruthless bloody tyrant. He talks of a new happy life while he starves your body and denies your souls." - Emmanuel Goldstein

"Of course I am guilty! You don't think the party would arrest an innocent person, do you? Oh it's insidious, thoughtcrime is. You know how it got me? In my sleep..." - Comrade Parsons

"Repeat after me, Comrade; War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength!" - Big Brother

The corporate sponsors StageLight&Magic Inc., for the year 2003 are Dialog GSM, John Keells Institute, The Golden Key Company Limited and the National Lotteries Board. The official costume designer is Sonali White of the Haddai Label. Yes FM is the electronic media sponsor and The Sunday Times is the official newspaper.

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