Mirror Magazine


Are you a friend to your family?
When it comes to family, are you the one who always puts them first, dishing out good advice and family treats? Or are you a family flop - the kind of person who would rather be on their own? Try our quiz and find out.

1. You are invited to go
on holiday with a large family party. Do you
(a) Agree at once
(b) Think of an excuse not to go
(c) Groan inwardly, but agree to go and try to make the best of it

2. Your grown-up sister
has to go into hospital for a few days. Do you
(a) Ask her and her husband if they would like you to take some time off work to help look after the children
(b) Visit her every day
(c) Send a Get-Well-Soon card

3. You are treating a
young relative for his/her birthday. Do you
(a) Take him/her to the cinema to see a film you will both enjoy
(b) Ask him/her what he/she would like to do
(c) Suggest he/she come round and spend the day helping you in the garden

4. Your favourite aunt
has been told by her doctors that she must lose weight. Do you
(a) Buy her chocolates as usual, and tell her doctors don't know everything
(b) Buy her flowers instead
(c) Buy nothing, and tell her it is for her own good

5. Family weddings are
(a) A dreadful bore
(b) A wonderful opportunity to meet up with relatives
(c) Okay, provided you don't have to make any speeches

6. Your daughter is argu-
ing with your granddaughter about the clothes she is wearing. Do you
(a) Take your daughter's side and tell your grandchild to show her mother more respect
(b) Remind your daughter that she wore outlandish clothes as a teenager
(c) Tactfully withdraw and let them sort it out

7. A member of your
family asks you to lend them some money. They have never paid you back after your last loan. Do you
(a) Agree, but make it clear that it is a loan and you expect to be repaid or you will not lend them money again
(b) Agree, knowing you will never get the money back
(c) Refuse and say they must stand on their own two feet from now on

8. When you meet your
young nieces and nephews, do you
(a) Tell them how clever their cousins are
(b) Ask them how they are getting on at school
(c) Tell them what you were like at school

9. A younger member of
the family has a problem. Would they
(a) Come to you at once and ask for advice
(b) Avoid telling you
(c) Ask you as a last resort

10. You have come into some money unexpectedly. Do you
(a) Tell no one
(b) Share it with your family
(c) Say nothing, but spend a little more on everyone on their birthday
Now check your score

1. 10 0 5
2. 10 5 0
3. 5 10 0
4. 0 10 5
5. 0 10 5
6. 0 0 10
7. 10 5 0
8. 0 10 5
9. 10 0 5
10. 0 10 5
What your score means

Over 75: Family star. You are loyal and tolerant; your family are lucky to have you.

40-70: Average. Generally speaking, your heart is in the right place, but there are one or two areas where you could improve - check back over your answers and see where the family is missing out

0-35: Oh dear! You aren't really that keen on your family, are you? But you could be the loser - try putting them first for a change and you could find your life is greatly enriched.
- Asia Features

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