Financial Times

NERD firewood substitute for LPG cooker

By Quintus Perera

The National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERD) at Ekala in Ja-Ela, which over the years has been searching for cheaper and alternate energy sources, has designed a novel substitute for the LPG cooker. The "Lanka Shakthi" wood gas stove has a very high efficiency level with only 600 grammes of wood chips required for 60 minutes of cooking to prepare a complete meal for the average family.

It does not need electricity to ignite, is more convenient and therefore a good alternative to the traditional firewood stove which is difficult to use because of smoke emissions and the deposit of carbon on the outer surfaces of pots. While the traditional firewood stove has an efficiency of 8-10 percent the Lanka Shanthi wood gas stove has an efficiency level of 30-35 percent. The wood gas stove's features are similar to that of the LPG cooker but the initial and operational costs are much lower.The initial cost of a wood gas stove is around Rs. 2,500 compared to Rs. 3,000 - 5,000 for an LPG Cooker. The monthly operating cost of a wood gas stove can vary from zero (if the firewood is collected) to Rs. 300 compared with Rs. 600-700 for the LPG Cooker. More than 75 percent of Sri Lankan households use firewood for cooking but people are changing from firewood to LPG cookers due to its convenience. However, sharp increases in the LPG price has forced consumers to search for cheaper alternatives. The wood gas stove uses dry wood chips of various sizes, longer sticks of firewood (up to eight inches) and coconut shells. R.M. Amerasekera, Executive Director, Integrated Development Association said the invention fills a void in Sri Lanka's social development policy in which the role of the kitchen is given low priority. "The entire burden of fetching and using firewood under the most pathetic conditions falls on the women in our society," he said. "The poorer the woman, the greater the burden and the suffering. Unfortunately development and energy planners have totally ignored this issue."

The NERD Gasifier Stove reduces firewood consumption and drudgery in the kitchen, improves the kitchen environment and related health hazards and promotes the use of an indigenous and renewable energy source.

Details about the gasifier stove could be obtained through telephone numbers 2234266 and 2236284 and E-mail:

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