Financial Times

CIMA introduces CBA scheme in Kandy

CIMA has introduced the Computer-Based Assessments Scheme (CBA) for the benefit of its Kandy students. Mahasena Senanayake, CIMA Co-ordinator in Kandy said students no longer need to travel to Colombo to sit for their examinations. "When they are ready, we can arrange for them to take the examinations here," he said.

CBA uses computers to deliver questions and receive answers at the foundation level. Students obtain their results immediately.

Unsuccessful students will receive individual performance feedback, which help them to identify the areas of the syllabus where they require a better understanding of the topics, according to a CIMA statement.

Sudarshan Senaratne, CIMA's outgoing President said the aim of CIMA is to make the qualification available to all prospective students in every part of the country.

"We are confident that the CBA scheme will be effective in many other towns in the near future," he said.

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