

A selector's task
The role played by National Selectors in the modern game is absolutely vital in terms of current performance and future development. In this area too the Australians have got their act in perfect order. The other nations lag behind.

In a nutshell the following could be termed as the tasks a selector has to perform:
Watch as much domestic cricket as possible. In particular games where fringe players and promising young players are in action. Watch training sessions of the National Squad, 'A' Squad, Development Squad and under 19 squad as often as possible.

Separate those who are one-day specialists from those who are more suitable for the long and stick to a policy. Ensure that young players get an adequate grounding before they are thrown in to play international cricket. Once they are given the opportunity even if they do not come good instantly they must be given a reasonable time to settle-in.

Be bold to take the tough decision in leaving out senior players and players out of form. Players must be always kept alert to know that the team requires the best performances, the maximum effort at all times. Communicate directly or through the manager or coach on the selectors expectations, reasons for a player being not selected, remedial action to be taken in order to regain selection.

Ensure the captain and vice captain deserve a place in the team and the captain is the best leader available. That is a tough combination to find. Near as possible is what must be achieved.

It is also time to change the composition of the selection panel. At present the national selectors and captain are responsible for picking teams for home games and touring squads. The advice of the coach and physiotherapist are sought. On tour the captain, vice captain and manager form the selection panel.

Two changes should be made. The coach should be part of the selection panel both at home and when on tour. One of the national selectors must be on tour and be part of the selection team for all games. Another aspect selectors have to bear in mind is resting the experienced campaigners at required times in order to keep them fit and mentally fresh.

This also helps to stretch the careers of players, particularly those of the fast bowlers.
A whole lot of thought must be crossing the minds of the Sri Lankan selectors after the team's performance in the West Indies. It was a mixed bag of both success and failure.

They have to give thought to the roles of Hashan Tillekaratne, Romesh Kaluwitharana, Kumar Dharmasena, Sanath Jayasuriya and Upul Chandana. They also have to think of the roles of the youngsters - Kaushal Lokuarachchi, Prabath Nissanka, Dharshana Gamage, Thilan Samaraweera, Avishka Gunawardena, Dinusha Fernando, Jehan Mubarak, Prasanna Jayawardena will have to play. There are tough decisions to take and the selectors must be prepared to do so.

Rusi Strikes Gold, Amrith picks Silver at Ridgeways
The highly popular and most competitive South West Monsoon meet over 2 weekends brought down the curtain on Sunday after some rewarding rounds for a few particularly Rusi Captain, Amrith de Soysa, Sunil Jayakody and Akira Takata.

The most outstanding was Rusi Captain who maintains his class and position as the No.1 in the country. He struck Gold in style when after a bad first round of gross 76 he shot 70, 69 and 71 to total a 2 over par 286 and win the Annual Gold Medal.

He beat Amrith de Soysa by 2 strokes. Much was expected from Stewart Ritchie but he ended up on the pile with an untidy 295. L. Jayasekera and N. Ramiah cracked 4 consecutive centuries and had much to talk about. It must comfort them to know that Pin Fernando the doyen cracked similar scores when he was a raw rookie and there is hope for them.

Victoria Cup
Sunil Jayakody was outstanding on the first day with a scintillating nett 64 to win the Calcutta Cup. Vying for the Victoria Cup which envelopes the 3rd round he played over cautiously and slid to a bad nett 75 but was still able to capture the Cup with nett 139 for the 2 rounds.

A good performance for a not so young man. Coming behind with praiseworthy rounds were Chula Amerasinghe on 141 tieing with Amrith de Soysa. In the disaster zone Chutti Munsoor, Nihal Alagoda and Gihan de Silva messed around happily.

Squadron Cup
Averaging nett 69 over 4 rounds Amrith de Soysa was quite outstanding carrying a handicap of 3. His total of 276 was adequate to comfortably beat his arch rival Rusi Captain who shot 282 over the 4 rounds carrying a handicap of 1. H. Weerasekera and Nimal Wettimuny had much to be pleased with totals of 286 each over 4 outings.

Takata Excels
Akira Takata is the favourite from the land of the rising sun. He has been around for several years. Wedded to the game he hits a ball very reguarly and punctuates his apperaances with an occasional win.

Extremely popular he received a string of accolades for an excellent return of nett 67 on the Saturday of the 2nd weekend. The Course was crowded to near capacity on all 4 days. Rain interfered but did not upset the game. Kumar Boralessa, Sarath Piyaratne and Almeida held the reins efficiently.

Tweet! More rugby referees needed
By Bernie Wijesekera
The Rugby Referees' Society is faced with the daunting task of finding referees for the on-going rugby season for both schools and clubs. If the game of rugby is to improve, then there should he competent referees in the scrum. No doubt there is quantity at present, but is there quality?

At time when a referee is found wanting when a game is on the boil especially in school games played before frenzied fans, the man in the middle should be able to handle the situation. Last weekend, the match between Royal and Wesley turned out to be a ding-dong battle. In the end Royal lost to Wesley for the first time in the history of school rugby played between the two schools.

One staunch Royal rugby fan tried to put the blame on the referee. Of course, he spoke to another ardent old Royalist who was also a past referee. At present, he is a key member of the Referees Society. The last Wesley try he alleged was a knock-on. How could you say it's a knock-on. Were you their on the ground to observe it?. So the argument went on. It has nothing to do with the referee. Royal played badly on this day and they must acknowledge defeat in the correct spirit. The referee was able to douse the flame and silenced his critics.

Not only the referee - but also the linesmen should act without fear or favour. They should be independent not with any strings attached to the participating teams. Here, too there is a dearth of officials. This was evident in another rousing contest. Wesley lost a cliff-hanger to Isipathana at Havelock Park.

The linesman failed to respond to the referees advice of Samrath Fernando that the Isipatana player fell short of the line when he rolled over. This scribe was in line with an outstanding old Wesleyite sportsman N. de S. When this happened, the linesman was from the Havelock Town school. But Wesley took it in the correct spirit. No excuses and they were able to walk with their heads held high.

Like cricket umpires rugby referees too have taken to coaching schools and clubs. No one will grumble over this. Apparently it may be due to a dearth of competent coaches. As a coach he has the right to sit on the bench but not as a rugby referee. He must concentrate on the game and his team's performance. Apparently when the heat is on at times by trying to interfere with the linesman (by showing the time). Not done Sir!

The clubs should not interfere into the affairs of the Referees Society, but must assist them, to improve their standards. The clubs concerned should encourage and nominate two or three of their players of yesteryear, to take to the whistle. This will help the Referees Society immensely to overcome the on-going problems. Mere arm-chair criticism is not the panacea for the prevailing ills. Even the Rugby Union must help them up front. No referees means no rugby.

Imagine there is only a handful of senior referees, which is headed by Dilroy Fernando, who has gained international recognition. The locals have been commended for their ability to blow without fear or favour and for their knowledge of the rules. Once he takes to the whistle, he has to leave everything behind family commitments and loyalties.

They, too must have self belief in them and be totally committed and not fall prey to any outside elements or club loyalties. Unlike cricket umpires Rugby Referees do not enjoy handsome payments for officiating nor five-star accommodation when they blow at away matches.

Le Kandyan Open to boost local squash
The fifth annual Le Kandyan Open Squash championship sponsored by Connasissance Group in collaboration with Colombo Plaza commenced yesterday and will end on July 13. This open championship has generated tremendous interest among the local players especially among the juniors. The contest is a much look forward to event in the local squash calendar since its inception.

This year's open will see more competitors taking part from the Hill Capital schools. They have been afforded with a workshop (free) for the school children from the Central Province (free of charge) at the Le Kandyan Resorts courts on July 13 conducted by the Sri Lanka Squash Federation from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.

This was revealed at a media confab held at the Lanka Oberoi chaired by the President of the Squash Federation Bren Soza. He was associated by Mr.S. Senaratne, Deputy Chairman/Manging Director Connissance, Denesh Silva, Marketing and Sales Manager, Lt. Col. Jayasuriya (Secretary SLSF) and other officials. Mr. Soza thanked the sponsors for continuing with this Open - a big boost for the sport.

Today there are more Squash courts in the country unlike in the past, especially among the schools.Deputy Chairman S. Senaratne (Connaissance Group) said that they are promoting tourism via sports. This is a twin project. They were happy to help whatever sport at national level. They are in the scrum with the International Club Rugby 7s, organised by Kandy S.C. which is tremendous boost for tourism.

The preliminary round matches started yesterday and it will go on till July 10 and will be held at Colombo Plaza courts the semis and the finals at Le Kandyan Resorts from July 11 to 13. -BW

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