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SLFP-JVP talks collapsing
By Harinda Vidanage
The SLFP-JVP Alliance appears to be collapsing but the Marxist-Nationalist party will back the PA at the next elections, The Sunday Times learns.

In the wake of serious differences between the SLFP and the JVP regarding the proposed coalition, the JVP is looking at the option of remaining outside any formal alliance and supporting the PA for a change of power, political sources said.
Under the arrangement, the JVP will not enter into an electoral alliance with the SLFP or discuss any joint power-sharing with the SLFP, but function as a support group for a change of government without an alliance.

One of the serious differences the two sides failed to overcome has been the sharing of the top positions between the SLFP and the JVP resulting in the JVP membership raising questions about the proposed coalition.

So far the JVP leadership has had two rounds of talks with President Chandrika Kumaratunga, but had not been able to resolve the outstanding issue about the party leadership in the proposed coalition. The SLFP wants to retain the two posts of President and General Secretary and has proposed the creation of a National Organiser post for the JVP.

The two sides are due to meet for another round of discussions today.
Meanwhile the President who consulted constituent parties of the PA on the possible alliance was unable to convince NUA leader Ferial Ashraff about the proposed solution to the ethnic conflict reached by the SLFP and the JVP. The deal has been that the SLFP was for devolution of power but the JVP had insisted that it would only consider devolution of powers with the mandate of the people.

Ms. Ashraff has dismissed this dual stand, saying that if a coalition is formed there should be only a single position on solving the ethnic problem. Thus President Kumaratunga has requested Ms. Ashraff to hold direct talks with the JVP. Ms.

Ashraff told The Sunday Times that her party had put forward its position on the ethnic issue clearly to the JVP delegation and there should be devolution of power to all people at grassroots level.Ms. Ashraff was accompanied by Mr. Cegu Issadeen and. M.L.M Hizbullah while the JVP delegation included parliamentarians Wimal Weerawansa, Anura Dissanayake and Nandana Gunathilake.

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