- What happens after 2005?
Matthias Knappe, Senior Market Development Officer, International
Trade Centre, Geneva
Some observers predict that by 2005-06, major textile and clothing
buyers will reduce by half the number of countries they source from.
The challenge for countries and companies is to remain an important
source for these buyers. This article explores the coming changes
in the market and highlights steps governments and exporters can
take now to avoid adverse impacts.
On 31 December
2004, the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) will end, and
with it the quota system for international trade in textiles and
clothing. As a result, trade in these sectors will undergo a fundamental
change. By 2005 the sector will have been fully integrated into
the WTO General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and all quotas
will have disappeared.
Only tariffs
should remain as a market entry mechanism. Moreover, WTO members
will discuss tariff reductions and ways to reduce tariff peaks,
high tariffs and tariff escalations under the Doha Development Agenda.
A market currently characterized by artificial comparative advantages
and managed trade will realign as market forces become the dominant
determinant in the sector. A shift in market fundamentals will considerably
affect exports from many developing countries and economies in transition,
where national incomes depend to a large extent on exporting garments.
Countries such
as Cambodia, Bangladesh and Nepal, with a share of garment exports
in total merchandise exports of 85%, 75% and 40% respectively, need
to attempt to keep at least part of their present markets or face
higher unemployment and deeper poverty. In fact, developing countries
risk losing heavily from the final liberalization of trade in textiles
and clothing if they are not well prepared for the expected business
and market changes. Instead of winning new export markets as they
had expected following the Uruguay Round negotiations, many countries
risk losing existing markets. These losses, in turn, could undermine
commitment to the Doha Development Agenda. Countries and firms must
prepare for a new reality in the textiles and clothing trade.
and losers
While nobody can give a precise picture of the global textiles and
clothing market after 2004, there are some indicators of the potential
winners and losers of the quota phase-out. Three important indicators
are highlighted below:
* Use of quotas:
Countries which are fully using their quotas in the years preceding
2005 will probably increase their exports after that date. Countries
which are not able to fill their present quotas are unlikely to
benefit from a market opening. Quota performance monitoring, therefore,
is essential. As only Canada, the European Union (EU) and the United
States continue to impose quotas - 1,007 between them - this is
a feasible task for countries to undertake.
* Exploiting
liberalized categories: The changes stemming from the liberalization
of product categories, which followed the third stage of the ATC
in January 2002, give a clue to possible developments. At that time,
the United States integrated seven product categories into WTO,
thereby abolishing quotas and causing trade flows to change tremendously.
In all liberalized quota categories, China greatly increased its
exports to the US market, in some cases up to several hundred percent.
While other countries increased exports in some categories, only
China did so across the board, mainly to the detriment of Central
American and Caribbean countries, and of some other small producers
which lost market share.
* Critical
export mass: Developing countries that are not under quota constraints
will face intense competition which they have not experienced before.
For developing countries that do not currently have meaningful export
quantities, it will become even more difficult to enter or to remain
in world markets, and critical mass will become an important issue.
Major international buyers are unlikely to source from a country
where only a few companies serve the world market.
As the textiles and clothing sector is fully integrated into the
WTO/GATT, those countries and companies which adapt first to the
challenges of the new market will be better placed to secure their
market position. Pure economic performance and well-managed competitive
advantages will count more than ever before. The possible shape,
drivers and disciplines of the new market are highlighted below:
Trade will no longer be regulated by quantitative restrictions and,
as a result, there will be a large and growing market waiting to
be conquered. While competition will intensify and growth rates
might slow down in Europe, North America and Japan, new markets
are emerging in higher-income South-East Asian countries as well
as in the high and middle-income groups in the larger developing
countries. These emerging markets will become important targets
for future apparel producers.
In the short to mid-term, Europe and North America will remain the
most important garment markets, attracting two-thirds of all world-clothing
imports. With the quota phase-out, however, many smaller countries
will lose guaranteed markets. Studies by the US Department of Commerce
in its report to the Congressional Textile Caucus, showed that major
buyers will reduce the number of countries they source from by half
in 2005-06 and by another third by 2010. The challenge is to remain
an important source for garment buyers.
US textile and clothing import prices have fallen continuously since
1996, as is the case in Europe, Japan and many other markets. In
an oversupplied, liberalized market, this trend is likely to continue,
potentially bringing about a deterioration in developing countries'
terms of trade.
In response to the ATC, major buying countries have granted specific
concessions that provide selected countries with comparative advantages.
This tendency has resulted in a regionalization of trade in textiles
and clothing and a complex patchwork of international trade agreements.
This makes it very difficult for clothing-exporting small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) from developing countries to determine their
competitiveness vis-à-vis that of major competitors. As quotas
are phased out, there may be more concessions granted than before,
rendering trade even more complicated.
There is likely to be a rise in anti-dumping and countervailing
duty cases, which will pose a real threat to successful developing
country exporters. The use of anti-dumping measures could sharply
reduce the benefits of liberalization as they are non-transparent
and unpredictable. Just the announcement of possible anti-dumping
investigations can make buyers hesitant to place future export orders
because of uncertainty over whether anti-dumping duties will be
imposed in the future, an effect known as 'trade chilling'.
While developing
countries and academics are expressing this fear, US and EU industry
lobbyists are calling for their explicit use as, they feel, many
products are simply dumped on the market. For case studies on how
anti-dumping cases have affected developing countries' textiles
and garment exports, visit the web site of the International Textiles
and Clothing Bureau (
Textile and clothing manufacturers are subject to random checks
by customs officials, to ensure that transshipment activities are
not taking place. If a company cannot provide the required information,
customs will automatically ban this company from exporting to the
US or EU. It is expected that until 2005 'product verification visits'
will increase. In addition, increased security requirements for
imports after 11 September 2001 may have a negative effect on exports
from developing countries.
There is widespread concern about child labour in the marketplace.
Western non-governmental organizations, the media and labour unions
advocate for 'sweatshop-free' sourcing of clothing, by creating
awareness among the major consuming groups. They are putting pressure
on international buyers to source 'ethically correct' manufacturers.
Major buyers and retail groups have reacted to these pressures by
introducing corporate codes of conduct. Such ethical sourcing standards
are applied to all their developing country manufacturers, and even
sub-contractors. Large international buyers apply these rules strictly,
as they cannot afford negative publicity.
a new barrier?
Textile and garment manufacturers from developing countries are
increasingly confronted with the need to adapt to eco-labelling
requirements. Eco-labelling schemes currently serve primarily as
a marketing tool, and products with eco-labels tend to target niche
markets. However, there is concern that access to developed markets
will be significantly reduced due to consumer boycotts of non-labelled
goods and aggressive advertising by protectionist domestic industries.
Overall, more transparency is needed to ensure that eco-labels do
not become a new market access barrier.
for new markets
It seems possible that the changes in the textile and clothing sectors
will bring more risks and challenges than new opportunities, particularly
for smaller exporters in developing countries and economies in transition.
Comprehensive preparation is a must to manage these risks and take
action to secure existing or additional markets.
* Develop an
action plan: Countries need to develop a strategic approach on how
to tackle the challenges highlighted. A partnership between private
and public sector players is critical to develop effective responses.
While the government needs to set up an enabling environment, the
business sector needs to develop the supply response to market requirements.
Together, they need to develop a monitoring system for trade in
textiles and clothing that is attuned to the changing economy. To
continue as an interesting source for international buyers, a 'critical
country mass' is necessary. No single company in any country can
play this role.
* Use business
advocacy: The textile and clothing quota phase-out needs to be viewed
in light of the Doha Development Agenda. WTO members are due to
conclude the round at the same time as quotas are due to disappear.
As such, the Doha deliberations will impact on trade in textiles
and clothing. The Uruguay Round and the implementation of the ATC
demonstrated that the textile and clothing business needs to take
an active part in channelling its views and concerns to governments,
so that negotiations serve the interests of the business community.
While quotas will disappear, countries need to ensure that one set
of trade barriers is not replaced with another. Moreover, developing
countries and WTO newcomers from transition economies need to ensure
that a public-private partnership is in place for the Doha Development
Agenda if they are to avoid the disappointment they experienced
with the ATC.
* Reinforce
sector associations: As 2005 approaches, middle-level support will
become increasingly important. Despite the disappearance of quotas,
textile and clothing trade will become both complex and cumbersome.
To ensure practical responses, textile and garment manufacturers'
associations, in agreement with the government, will be required
to assume more responsibilities such as fulfilling labour standards;
taking over quota administration; and operation of bonded warehouses.
* Understand the competition: Enterprises need to develop a mechanism
to compare performance with competitors in other countries.
One of the
difficulties of the quota regime is that many manufacturers have
no comparison with competitors. Many companies - especially SMEs
in developing countries - lack a clear understanding of their ability
to compete successfully in a quota-free world.
* Develop sourcing
strategies: Improved value chain management can reduce costs and
increase flexibility. A wide sourcing base can increase flexibility
when it comes to securing fabrics from the cheapest source with
the quality and design the buyer expects. Such flexibility will
be a critical competitive factor in the future. By optimizing the
supply chain, lead time will also be reduced. While sourcing decisions
are micro in nature, governments can facilitate sourcing by supporting
regional trade initiatives.
Regional cooperation
to strengthen supply chains create two distinct advantages: firstly,
regional sourcing allows shorter delivery times; and, secondly,
such cooperation enables countries to take maximum advantage of
preferential market access schemes which now prioritize regional
and country groupings. Some developing countries have sought to
develop their own fabric industry through backward integration rather
than improve value chain management, an aspiration that seems unrealistic
at a time when investment for new domestic fabric industries is
rarely forthcoming.
* Increase
productivity: Investment in human capital and machinery can increase
productivity and lead to reduced costs and prices. Training institutions
and schemes, which exist in many textile and clothing producing
developing countries, need to enhance their training capacities
to improve craftsmanship.
* Develop new
products and markets: Avoid mass markets and target niche markets
with value-added products. Everybody wants to sell T-shirts to the
United States as it is a large and 'easy' market. However, competition
in such 'easy' markets is high and prices are low. To avoid this,
design and fashion skills need to be developed to target niche markets
with value-added products.
* Develop 'e-applications':
E-applications can be employed not only to sell, but also to exchange
information across electronic networks at any stage of the supply
chain. E-applications facilitate sourcing and supply chain management;
production planning; design and forward integration, including Internet
sales. The main goal of e-applications is to increase flexibility
and to shorten the overall value chain, thus reducing lead-time.
A shift to e-applications also highlights that a company is both
competitive and willing to adjust to the demands of the market.
ITC can help
Responding to the new challenges, ITC has redesigned its technical
assistance approach in the textiles and clothing sector. During
an expert group meeting at the ITC Executive Forum 2002, industrialists
and government officials from a range of textile and clothing producing
developing countries, agreed that the challenges of this sector
needed to be addressed urgently to sustain future exports, especially
from least developed countries and smaller developing countries.
They elaborated on possible solutions, as outlined in this article,
forming ITC's new comprehensive textiles and clothing approach.
ITC, therefore, is following a holistic sector approach as required
by developing country textile and garment manufacturers who want
to stay in business after 2005.
The new approach
will include industry-level briefings on the phasing-out of the
quota system and the competitiveness challenges ahead, combined
with a broader programme of advisory and training services targeting
sectoral competitiveness. ITC will assist with developing country-specific
action plans, following the value chain approach. Countries can
implement the action plans by themselves or within the framework
of technical assistance projects. The action plans will contain
market-oriented performance benchmarking, sourcing and supply chain
solutions, market development measures and actions to increase productivity,
develop design talent and fashion orientation, as well as tailored
To help SMEs
in the garment sector to compare their competitive performance with
that of other companies, ITC has developed an online benchmarking
tool, THE FIT.
This tool compares a firm's performance against a group of national
and international firms, on a confidential basis. By identifying
their relative strengths and weaknesses, THE FIT helps participating
enterprises prioritize areas of action to improve their competitiveness.
In 2002, ITC
assisted Cambodia, Lesotho, Malawi and Nepal in elaborating country
action plans. These were developed in partnership with all relevant
national stakeholders from the public and private sector. The actions
plans are ready to be implemented and the countries are presently
looking for development partners interested in financing activities.
This year,
ITC will help Cuba, El Salvador, Kenya, Madagascar and Mozambique
to elaborate their respective country action plans.