Rajaratnam’s with my feet thru’ time’ brought
out the beauty of dance
Dancing feet
By Ishani Ranasinghe
It was a toe-tapping evening for the audience when the Bishop’s
College auditorium came alive last month with an enthralling mix
of cha cha, salsa and other dance forms as well-known dancer and
teacher Naomi Rajara-tnam presented ‘With my feet thru’
With a line-up
that blew the audience away, the joys and beauty of dance were brought
out in a performance that epitomized class, talent and innovation.
Man has danced long before he could sing or talk… so began
one dance, taking the audience back to the caveman’s era of
sticks, stones and animal skins and girls with extremely large wigs.
And Naomi’s
husband, Trevor Rajaratnam got a birthday surprise, when girls wearing
boxing gloves danced to the music of ‘I will survive,’
giving the guys a few punches in the process.
There wasn’t
a minute of boredom with Jail House Rock and some dances from across
the Palk Straits titled ‘Bollywood Vision’ where the
performers swayed to the rhythm of popular Hindi song ‘Chaiya
Chaiya’ and ‘Beat it’ which showed a street fight
between rival gangs.
After sequences
of vigorous movement, it was also lovely to see the slower numbers
performed with grace and elegance, where dancers brought out the
technique and passion of this art form. The costumes too were colourful
and eye-catching.
It was evident
that everyone had a wonderful time and most, like me, walked out
literally dancing into the night, after the show. The proceeds from
the show will go to the Dev Siri Sevana Elders’ Home.