Mirror Magazine


Are you a technophobe?

    What your score means:
    0-30: You don’t need me to tell you that you are getting left behind in the age of computers and communication. Maybe you are a bit scared of the unknown, or maybe you think you don’t need to use all this newfangled technology, but you don’t know what you are missing. Many adult education centres run courses to introduce people to the basics. You might surprise yourself.

    35-70: You probably use a computer at work, and have one at home (even if it is mostly used by the kids). You realize how useful a mobile phone is, too, but half the time you forget where you left it.

    Have a look back over the high-scoring answers and see how much more you could get out of modern technology.

    75-100: Aah, a technophile! You like to keep up with technology and use it to your best advantage. You know that computers and mobiles can save time and hard slog by keeping you in touch and finding information quickly and efficiently. But be aware that not everyone is as skilled as you, and be careful not to cut off all your friends who don’t have access to email and a mobile.

  1. Do you use email
    (a) More than once a day
    (b) Occasionally
    (c) Never
  2. Would you do your weekly food shopping over the Internet?
    (a) Yes
    (b) No, it’s too complicated
    (c) Possibly
  3. Have your ever bought books over the Internet?
    (a) No, I like to see them before I buy
    (b) Yes, once or twice
    (c) Yes, regularly
  4. If you are trying to find out more about something, do you first go
    (a) To your local library
    (b) To your local Internet café
    (c) To your own computer
  5. Is your address book
    (a) On your computer
    (b) In your bag
    (c) Somewhere in a drawer
  6. Now check your score:
      a b c
    1. 10 5 0
    2. 10 0 5
    3. 0 5 10
    4. 0 5 10
    5. 10 5 0
    6. 0 10 5
    7. 0 10 5
    8. 0 5 10
    9. 10 5 0
    10. 0 5 10
    Where is your mobile phone right now?
    (a) What mobile phone? I don’t have one
    (b) Right here, where I can see it
    (c) In my car - I keep it there for emergencies
  7. Do you update your mobile phone as soon as a new and better one is available?
    (a) What mobile phone? I still don’t have one
    (b) Yes
    (c) No, the one I’ve got is fine
  8. Do you have a digital camera?
    (a) No
    (b) Yes, but I don’t use it much
    (c) Yes, I keep it with me all the time
  9. Before you go on holiday, do you
    (a) Look on the Internet for information about your destination
    (b) Buy a guide book
    (c) Rely on the free leaflets at hotel reception?
  10. You want to announce the arrival of your new baby. Do you
    (a) Send out cards by post
    (b) Send out an email with a picture attached
    (c) Put all the details and a selection of pictures on your web site and email all your friends with a link

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