Situation – It is situated to the south of India, separated
by a narrow stretch if sea, which is called the Palk Strait.
It is believed that long ago, India and Sri Lanka were joined
together and formed one mass of land, and was separated later
by the Palk Strait, which is about 32 km in length.
Size – This little island, which has an area of 65,525
sq. km (25,332 sq. miles), lies north of the equator, entirely
within the latitudes 50 degrees – 10 degrees (North).
Its extent in longitude is much less as it is situated between
79 1/2 degrees - 82 degrees East.
Now it is clear to us that ours is a small island, centrally
located in the Indian Ocean.
Shape – When you look at the shape of this island, you
will note that is narrow in the north and gets wider as you
go south, thereby taking the shape of a drop pearl. The length
of the entire country is calculated from Point Pedro in the
North to Dondra in the South. This is approximately 432 km.
The breadth is calculated at the widest point joining Colombo
in the West and Sangam Hd. In the East. This is approximately
224 km.
Now when we consider the value of our island, we realize that
Sri Lanka occupies a very favourable position, the most central
in the Indian Ocean. We are lucky, as it is situated on an
ocean route. With its many ports of call, Sri Lanka serves
about three-quarters of the total population of the world.
Our island is gifted with natural harbours like Trincomalee
and Galle. The harbour built and modernized in Colombo, has
earned a name, as a port of call for all ships sailing past
Sri Lanka.
By Kamala Silva