

Shavesh proves his might
Junior Prokart champion Shavesh Mendis once again proved his might in the country's motor racing arena by clinching the Junior Prokart championship for the second time recently. 13-year-old Shavesh who won last year's inaugural Prokart championship's junior event drove to the winner's enclosure this year beating big names in the scene today.

He did exceedingly well to lead the point's table throughout the preliminary rounds and is also the current leader in the ongoing preliminary rounds for the 2004 junior Prokart Championship. The basically self-taught child with vast potentials is one of the country's budding prospects for the future, according Colombo Prokarts Founder Chairman Richard de Soyza.

"He has shown extra-ordinary skills and was the youngest to achieve the best timing in recent races. We hope to guide and nurture him as we see great potential in him," Mr. de Soyza said.

His father, Shamil Mendis said Shavesh who had shown a keenness for cars from his early childhood had stunned his parents with his speeding prowess. Shavesh, a Grade 8 student of Colombo International School also excels in tennis, chess and swimming and has now taken to scrabble.

Adding another feather to his cap, Shavesh became the cynosure of all eyes when he became the runner up of last year's Prokart Open event (Under 65 kg). Shavesh has now also switched to Gokarting - the faster version of Prokarts - paving him the way to roar into recognition at future events.

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