

Manouri, Primal capture Qatar trophy
Manouri Jayakody paired superbly with Primal Wijenayake and dovetailed to a magnificent victory with 44 points. Coming close behind was long ranged hitter Jackie Dias and great friend Sumedha Amerasinghe who got together smartly and were on the way to a great score when through lack of concentration they mistimed a couple of vital shots to settle with 41 points and 2nd position.

3rd Place
H. Bandaranayake and R. Gauhl moved sensibly and miserly with their strokes and then for some unknown reason both got untidy at different times and lost valuable points to settle for 39 and 3rd position.

4th Place
Elvira Merz and Danny Schepers both with happy dispositions went for shots fearlessly and some in desperation. Some responded accurately and some others strayed far, wide an distressingly. When they recovered they were left behind 4th and still quite happy.

The weather depressed Heather Lourensz, the twins had a merry time raising hell, messing around and contributing to the coffers of the pond boys. Passionately fond of fun they laughed all the way home Suni Nirmalingam took little or no notice of Nimo's technical advise and joined the twins in distress with laughter. A great day was had by all, thanks to Danny Schepers of QATAR and Elvira Merz of the R.C.G.C.

Qatar Airlines supported by Worldlink Travels and put together by the irrepressible Elvira Merz the Captain of the Ladies Section of the Royal Colombo Golf Club. The mixed greensomes immediately became fun filled and those who participated good and indifferent golfers had a great afternoon.

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