New food labelling and advertising rules from April

The Heath Ministry has gazetted new food regulations governing labelling and advertising that would also cover dubious claims in a plethora of advertisements including healthcare products, ministry officials said.

The new Food (Labelling & Advertising) Regulations 2003 to be effective from April 1 replaces the earlier regulations enacted more than 10 years ago in 1993
A ministry statement said the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) and the Food Control Administration of the Ministry of Health for this purpose is jointly organising a seminar on the new regulations at the ITI Auditorium, 363, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7 on February 25.

Organizers said they expect some 125 participants mainly from the food manufacturing industry, processed food importers/distributors and advertising agencies.

Speakers and panelists at the seminar are Dr. A. Kahandaliyanage, Chief Food Authority, Director General, Department of Health Services, Ms. Malini Mallawaratchie, Manager, Food Product Development Group, Agro & Food Technology Division, ITI, Dr. C. K. Shanmugarajah, Director (Environment and Occupational Health), Department of Health Services, S. Nagiah, Assistant Director, Food Control Administration Unit, Department of Health Services, Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris, Head, Corporate Services Division, ITI, T. Kandasamy, Chairman, Technical Sub-Committee, Food Scientist, FAC, B.S.P.Mendis, Director-General, Sri Lanka Standards Institution and E.G.Somapala, Addl. Government Analyst.

The statement said the seminar would be very useful to all food manufacturers in Sri Lanka as the regulations govern the information that should appear on a label of any pre-packaged food product offered for sale, transported or advertised for sale in Sri Lanka. This includes all imported food items as well. New features of the latest regulations cover the inclusion of the date of manufacture, the name or INS number of the food additives, claims that are allowed and disallowed etc.

These regulations have been prepared in such a manner to be easily understood by any food manufacturer, importer or distributor.

"The Food Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Health, which advises the Minister of Health on food safety and hygiene issues in the country, also has the responsibility to ensure that the consumer is not misled by the information given on the label of pre-packaged food. Thus these regulations have been framed to safeguard the consumer while simultaneously maintaining the interests of the food manufacturer.

All registered participants will receive a copy of the gazette for study prior to the seminar. More details of the seminar and workshop can be obtained from Telephone 011-2683127 or e-mail

Advertising forum for consumers/industry

The Sunday Times FT invites views and comments on consumer concerns of some advertisements in the media.

The paper has received letters from consumers complaining about the ethics, fairplay and bad taste of advertisements on various issues.

The first column on the proposed forum on advertising has been delayed due to unavoidable circumstances and will now appear in March. In the meantime send your questions, concerns or comments to the Business Editor, The Sunday Times, 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 2 or email:

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