

Lustrous paintings
By Esther Williams
The paintings are of Sri Lankan landscapes. While a few depict tourist attractions like Sigiriya, a majority of them are of common scenes. Romaine Ferdinands portrays the natural beauty of our country through her silk paintings.

Gnarled trees, lakes and other beautiful aspects of nature lie in our everyday path, but we are not aware of them. "We think it is all right for ‘development’ to take place, not realising that we may miss all these things a few years down the line," Romaine explains passionately.

In her exhibition to be held at the Harold Pieris Gallery of the Lionel Wendt Art Centre from March 26-28 (10 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.) Romaine depicts her concern for the island's environment. A few of the paintings show scenes that no longer exist. The artist recalls a scene on the Habarana route - of light filtering in through the huge, dense trees in the morning. She has recalled this scene from her memory, for it does not exist today. There's another scene of the reef in Negombo, of water collecting in the pools, and the huts standing nearby. "All these might soon disappear," the artist worries.

It was in 1997 that Romaine first began painting on silk. Not many artists use the medium today for the simple reason that it is expensive and hard to come by. For Romaine it has been a challenge working with silk. Others who paint on silk use a resistant called 'gutta' to define areas of paint so as to not let it run. She, however, paints directly on silk using brush strokes to build up the picture.

She explains, "Silk is a beautiful medium and in these paintings I have tried to harness the lustre of the silk and the beauty of the landscapes." The silk paint gives transparency to the paintings that are done in pastel hues and maintains the lustre of the medium.

Romaine was an artist from her childhood although she did not pursue it as a profession. She went into marketing and is now a marketing consultant. But art has always been the love of her life and she now hopes to spend more time on it.

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