pilot project carries on fingerprinting operation
The biometric finger printing six month pilot project implemented
by the British Government last July to everyone applying for a UK
visa in Sri Lanka, continues despite the test period lapsing, The
Sunday Times learns.
pilot project required all those applying for a UK visa in Sri Lanka
to provide a record of their fingerprints as part of a project to
use biometric data to tackle immigration.
Lanka was chosen among a number of other countries which were short
listed for the project. According to the Home Office "Sri Lanka
has been selected for this pilot as Sri Lanka nationals continue
to make significant numbers of unfounded asylum applications- and
to use false identities in the process."
heavy criticism over choosing Sri Lanka for the pilot project, the
British High Commission in Sri Lanka was quick to point out that
it was only a pilot project which will be implemented in other countries
and that Sri Lankan applicants should not take it personally.
The Sunday Times learns that despite the six months lapsing in January,
the British High Commission continues to finger print those applying
for UK visas. It is learnt that the British Government is yet to
give its consent to stop the project. Thus the High Commission continues
to finger print those applying for UK visas. Meanwhile British High
Commission Spokesperson Margaret Tongue who is overseas was not
available for comment. |