
Covers, seats for monks on hold
Bikkhus of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) who visited the Parliamentary chambers last week had insisted that white covers be placed on the seats they occupy in the chambers and have said they would like to have a say in their seating arrangements as well.

However, as the Speaker is the final authority on the seating order in the chambers, the issue has been put on hold till Parliament meets. As seats are allocated on the basis of seniority, it is likely that excepting the party leader, the other bikkhus will have to occupy seats in the rear rows of the chambers, which is not likely to be favoured by them.

As for the white cloth to cover the seats, Parliamentary officials had explained that there was no precedent of that nature in the chambers but no final decision has been made as yet on the bikkhus' demand. However, the bikkhus have been told that during committee meetings, a white cloth will be used to cover their seats.

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