The Spiderman - the Navy version
The Spiderman, both in cartoons and films, have figured
only on land. They fly out of the windows of multi storeyed buildings
to deal with wrong doers.
this is a different kind though Navy personnel have dubbed him with
the same name. This sea faring Spiderman is a young officer who
befriended a female kind at the Navy's installations in Welisara.
in the night he visited the lady who was in a second floor room
in the Officer's Mess. Someone who knew the movements of this amorous
Spiderman rang up the Commanding Officer. He promptly ordered another
officer to check it out.
officer turned up at the Officer's Mess and politely knocked at
the second floor room. He gave time for the lady to open the door.
Then he checked the room but there was no one. The officer then
opened the rear door. Lo and behold there was the Spiderman perched
precariously on a concrete slab jutting out.Unlike the famed spiderman,
he could not fly. He had no choice but to nervously laugh.
he tried to escape, he would have hurt himself badly. Now justice
for this sea faring Spiderman is coming from the Navy Chief, Vice
Admiral Daya Sandagiri. He has ordered immediate disciplinary action.
Andhra connection
The nexus between the Indian left wing extremist group,
the People's War Group (PWG) in Andhra Pradesh, and the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam has come out in the open says an Indian magazine
devoted to national security, terrorism and world affairs.
INDIA is a publication of Security and Political Risk Analysis Foundation,
an independent private sector think tank. Its patron in chief is
General (retd.)Shankar Roy Chowdhury, a former Commander of the
Indian Army.
magazine says: "It is widely believed that the LTTE has been
aiding the PWG in acquiring sophisticated arms and ammunitions on
a regular basis. According to information received by the Indian
Coast Guard, the LTTE ships sophisticated arms and ammunitions to
the PWG guerillas in Andhra Pradesh through the Bay of Bengal. According
to an intelligence report, the PWG received arms and ammunition
from the LTTE's 'fishing' boats in the second and last quarters
of 2003, which were later transported to the coast in the Palnadu
area. Apart from acquiring arms, the PWG militants have been receiving
training in the use of IEDs from the LTTE."
An Airbus 330 aircraft crash lands at the Bandaranaike
International Airport and rests on the ground outside the runway.
Passengers and crew are injured.
does one do? That was the theme of an emergency exercise this week
involving some 200 persons. They included Air Force personnel, medical
teams, BIA security staff and tour operators among others.
of the Civil Aviation Department praised the Air Force team for
evacuating the "injured" on time. Others also came in
for praise for their prompt responses. |