A dull week brightened by memories of a star
By Chandani Kirinde, Our Lobby Correspondent
It was a week when Parliament almost had no business, with the condolence vote on a former Deputy Speaker Gamini Fonseka being the most interesting event in the Legislature while religious observances also gained precedence over other business.

Although Parliament was set to debate an amendment to the Banking Act which was presented to Parliament by Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama on September 24, it was postponed as the Supreme Court determination on the legality of the Bill had not reached the Speaker by last Tuesday - the day set for the debate.

Instead, UNP Ratnapura district MP Mahinda Ratnatilleke introduced an adjournment motion to bring to the attention of the government the move to carry out gem mining in some state owned plantations.

Sittings on Wednesday were confined till 12 noon as arrangements had been made to hold a "Sarasvathi Pooja" in the Parliament complex. On Friday Islamic religious activities were performed to bless the MPs and the staff member’s of the legislature. A private members motion by Colombo district UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake to introduce electronic voting system for Sri Lanka which had been debated on four previous days also ended on Wednesday while another motion also by Mr. Karunanayake to give an allowance for Daham pasal teachers was also debated.

Thursday's and Friday's sittings were devoted to two condolence votes on former MP Pradeep Hapangama and veteran film star Gamini Fonseka who also served as Deputy Speaker of the House during the 1989-94 UNP regime.

Starting with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse, a host of parliamentarians paid tribute to Mr.Fonseka. The Premier described the late film actor as immortal and praised his sense of justice and fairplay recalling an instance where he had reprimanded a UNP MP for insulting the then leader of the Opposition Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

TNA parliamentary group leader R.Sampanthan too praised Mr. Fonseka for his understanding of the problems of the Tamils while the SLMC Leader Rauff Hakeem too praised Mr. Fonseka's work as Governor of the North-East Provincial Council.

One of the best tributes came from the Leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremesinghe who took a trip down memory lane recalling the many films of Mr. Fonseka he had watched and describing some of the favourite characters that the late actor had played as well as a famous song from his movie "Gamperaliya."

Talking about Mr. Fonseka's period as Deputy Speaker, Mr.Wickremasinghe said he had presided at an especially difficult time when a no confidence motion had been brought against the then Speaker.

He lamented that Mr.Fonseka, who subsequently served as Governor of the North-East Provincial Council could not serve in such a capacity now when there was a ceasefire in place. "He was the correct man on the job but at the wrong time," Mr.Wickremasinghe said.

He ended by quoting Shakespeare's "As you Like It.'
All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts. And Mr.Fonseka played each part par excellence, Mr.Wickremasinghe said.

JHU MP Ven. Aturaliye Ratana Thera’s move for an adjournment motion calling on the government to break off diplomatic ties with Norway on Friday was aborted after TNA MP Mr.Sampanthan protested that there was no Tamil translation of the motion.

The one hour allocated for such a debate was taken up arguing over the non availability of the Tamil copy and the debate was put off for November 19, the day after the UPFA government presents its first Budget to Parliament.

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