IMF's Carter ends term
Jeremy Carter, the IMF representative, is completing his term and leaving around February amidst speculation that he has been asked to leave by the government.

He told The Sunday Times FT he was leaving at the end of his term. Asked to comment on the speculative reports, he said: "I don't want to comment. All I can say is that IMF terms are for 2 to 3 years and I have completed my term. My successor has been named." Carter's predecessor, Dr. Nadeem Ul Haq, served for over three years.

Speculation over Carter increased recently after some Sinhala-language newspapers reported that the IMF representative had been asked to leave. Carter said unlike his predecessors who would take a couple of months to learn about the country and its economy, it was a different situation for him. "I had been overseeing Colombo by handling the Sri Lanka desk in Washington. So there was no need for a long time to get apprised on Sri Lanka."

Treasury Secretary Dr P.B. Jayasundera however laughed off the rumours saying the IMF representative was leaving at the end of his term.

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