
Bangladesh FM here with SAARC invitation to CBK
Bangladesh Foreign Minister, M. Morshed Khan arrived in Sri Lanka on Friday to hand over letters of invitation to President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. for the 13th SAARC summit to be held in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will be the hosts of the SAARC summit to be held from 9 - 11 January 2005, taking over from Nepal. The Bangladeshi Foreign Minister following the SAARC practice where the incoming chairperson visits the SAARC capitals to invite the heads of State to attend the summit, delivered the invitation as a special envoy of the Bangladesh Prime Minister, Begum Khaleda Zia.

In 2005 Bangladesh will take over the chairmanship of SAARC from the present chair, Pakistan. The visiting Bangladesh Foreign Minister called on both President Chandrika Kumaratunge and Foreign Minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar where they exchanged views on matters relating to SAARC. The Dhaka Summit in 2005 constitutes an important juncture in the history of SAARC as it marks 20 years of the existence of the Association which was first hosted in 1985 by Bangladesh. He left Sri Lanka the same day.

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