
Route auctioning more trouble for bus travellers
By Sachitra Mahendra.
All Ceylon Private Omnibus Owners' Federation (ACPOBOF) are to continue with their protests against the government's proposal to franchise bus routes. "Plans to franchise bus routes is mentioned in the action plan in an indirect manner. The calling of tenders for road development has also been mentioned. This in other words means road auctioning. We want the Minister to put this on hold". ACPOBOF secretary Anjana Priyanjith told The Sunday Times.

Former Transport Ministry Secretary D. S. Jayaweera told The Sunday Times that the bus routes are to be auctioned. "Some officials are attempting to effect this with the consent of the World Bank without the knowledge of the Minister. They have included this in the action plan", Mr. Priyanjith said. Mr. Priyanjith said that the action plan should either be cancelled or reversed to stop the road auctioning.

"If this happens, the CTB will not have the slightest chance of bidding. The routes will certainly go to some rich underworld hooligan. He will run the route as he desires. He will amend laws. No control at all will exist. This will be the destruction of the CTB", Mr. Priyanjith complained.

Lanka Private Bus Owners' Association president Gemunu Wijeratne told The Sunday Times that the bus route-auctioning program was not going to be implemented immediately.

Meanwhile Transport Minister, Felix Perera is said to be totally against the move for road auctioning and assures that no such scheme would take place. "On principle we are not ready to auction roads", the Minister said.

The minister is a firm belief that if road-auctioning takes place it would be the downfall of the state transport sector. "If one sector dominates then other sector automatically becomes weak. The powerful sector will have a large market share. That will finally lead to a monopoly, as bus fares will be decided by the dominating sector. How can you stop that?" the Minister asked.

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