
Businessman pays building contractor under duress
A Colombo businessman has been forced to pay an undisclosed amount of money to a building contractor despite the contractor failing to honour his obligations and after the police failed to investigate death threats received by the businessman.

The contractor is said to have left a partly completed building and demanded Rs. 1.3 million as payment, but the businessman had refused to pay as he had not completed the work and subsequent calculations had reportedly revealed that the contractor would have to pay back the businessman.

But matters had taken a turn for the worse when some thugs had turned up at the businessman's office and identified themselves as members of 'Karate Wasantha' and said they had come to collect the money. The businessman had explained that no money was due, but the thugs had returned later.

At an inquiry held by the Cinnamon Gardens Police last week, the contractor had threatened to walk out if he was not paid the full amount. He had also claimed he had no knowledge about the thugs.

The businessman had then entered into an agreement to pay an undisclosed sum to settle the case as he believed that police were 'helpless' and making a payment would provide him some safety.

Cinnamon Gardens OIC Jayashantha said investigations into the case of intimidation of the businessman were continuing. He said the police would be pressing charges under the Minor Offence charge of "abuse and threat."

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