
Chief Justice absents himself from Voet Lights dinner
Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva was a notable absentee at the annual Voet Lights Society dinner held on Friday at the Colombo Plaza Hotel.

Over 650 lawyers were present at the dinner held each year, for the past 95 years, in memory of a famous Dutch jurist Johanes Voet. The dinner coincides with the last day of the court calendar for the year.

Three other senior-most Supreme Court judges also absented themselves from the convivial evening where banter, especially towards senior judges and lawyers is allowed in speeches, without the risk of contempt of court proceedings. The incumbent Chief Justice is always among those at the receiving end of such good natured humour.

Justice Shirani Tillakawardena was the senior-most judge of the Supreme Court who was invited to sit at the Head Table.

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