
Police use force to disperse angry crowd
Before the explosion last night, the superstar show featuring Bollywood idol Shahrukh Khan and others went ahead despite strong protests by the Jathika Sangha Sammelanaya and other groups, leading to clashes and a police tear gas attack which left at least 14 people, including a JHU parliamentarian, injured.

The clashes erupted after a tense situation prevailed in and around the Race Course area from yesterday morning, with several roads being closed as some monks staged a protest fast and crowds came in to support their demonstration against a big show being held on a day when the country was commemorating the first anniversary of the Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thera's death.

Police placed barricades in the area around the Race Course ground and the protest in the morning was largely peaceful. By afternoon, the fasting monks also agreed to call off their protest after the organisers apologised to them for any disrespect.

But around 3 pm, the crowds started to get unruly and burned tyres in front of the barricades, police said. They said that the crowd then tried to break through the barricades, forcing the police to use tear gas and water cannon to push them back.

Some of the demonstrators were arrested while the others were forced to leave by wave after wave of tear gas attacks. The angry crowd then reacted by throwing stones and other missiles at police while also blocking vehicles and damaging at least one business premises.

Police said Special Task Force personnel were deployed to bring the situation under control. The retreating rioters thereafter withdrew to the Horton Place roundabout where they attacked a petroleum tanker, damaging the vehicle and stealing the key, police said. Traffic at the junction came to a standstill as the Police drove the crowd towards Town Hall.

The crowds then withdrew to Viharamahadevi Park where they were joined by some of those who had come there to attend a religious ceremony to mark Soma Thera's death anniversary. Jathika Sangha Sammelanaya Secretary Ven Galagodawatte Gnanasara Thera was seen trying to calm the angry crowd until the arrival of JHU Parliamentarian Ven Athuraliye Rathana Thera. The prelate arrived on the scene but left again soon after to negotiate with Police regarding the release of the twelve demonstrators who were earlier arrested.

In his absence the angered crowd once again stopped traffic on C.W.W. Kannangara Mawatha around 6.30 p.m. and walked towards Town Hall, damaging road side property on the way. Two buses were attacked, and several civilians were injured in the mayhem.

Eventually the crowds gathered again at the Kannangara Mw-Senanayake Mw junction to await the arrival of Ven. Rathana Thera. The prelate turned up around 7 p.m and addressed the crowd. He said the demonstration would not be called off until the twelve arrested demonstrators were released by the police. He asked the demonstrators to remain peaceful until then, and invited them to attend a JHU demonstration this morning in Nugegoda.

Ven. Rathana Thera said the party had no problem with Shahrukh Khan but their grouse was that the government had not accepted their appeal that the concert be put off.

"The Buddhist youth of the country wanted this demonstration, and as their leaders we had to comply with their request," he said. "We can walk up to the concert now and stop it. But we want to make this peaceful, and we have come to a compromise with the organizers," the Thera said. He also asked the crowd not to be fooled by certain factions who were trying to instigate violence from inside the group.

Around 8 p.m. the arrested demonstrators were released by the police. National Hospital Director Dr. Hector Weerasinghe said JHU parliamentarian Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobitha Thera, who was injured in the clashes, had been first given outdoor treatment and then warded in the hospital. Four others were also treated and discharged. Colombo Range Deputy Inspector General Sirisena Herath said the 12 arrested demonstrators were released in response to an appeal by JHU leaders.

Sangha Sammelanaya saddened
Ven. Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thera told The Sunday Times that the Jathika Sangha Sammelanaya was deeply saddened by the incident and condemned it. The Thera said although the organisers were able to disperse the crowd within two hours of the protest earlier in the day, it was inexcusable on the part of the Police to be unable to handle security inside the venue.

The victims
The dead: Dilani Maheshika (25) - Ratnapura and Lanka Jayasundara (21) - Hakmana. The injured admitted to the National Hospital are: Anushika Warnasuriya - daughter of Kirulapone Police OIC, Samanthika Shiromala - wife of an Inspector of Police, Anusha Malkanthi, P.A. Siripala (NIB officer), R.A. Rajapakse (NIB officer), Duminda (Police), Wijesinghe (Police), Chandrasena (Police). Writhu Shasthri, wife of Indian Cricket commentator Ravi Shastri, was treated at Apollo Hospital and discharged.

Organisers appologise
The organizers of the Shahrukh Khan concert last evening apologised for any grievance caused to the Buddhist community of the country due to the timing of the event.

Mega-star wants house here!
Initially, not knowing what happened Shahrukh Khan, who was performing at the time, continued until the lights were switched off and he was escorted off the stage. The performers were immediately rushed to the airport ahead of schedule as they were anyway set to leave last night.

The concert itself was a huge hit with frenzied fans chanting Sharukh's name. He gave them all their money's worth, until it came to a tragic end. He was the 'ideal' star. A perfect 'people-person', keeping the audience alive with his wit and humour. He said he loves Sri Lanka so much that he would ask his good friend Arjuna Ranatunga to buy a house for him here, so he could live here. The crowd went wild! He even commended some of our other cricket heroes like Sanath, Marvan and Murali and even related a story about how little children after losing a cricket match go complaining to their mothers saying that the bowler was chucking or throwing the ball.

"I guess some people, like the Australians never really grow up", he said, knowing exactly how to win the hearts of his fans.

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