
Ceremonies to commemorate first death anniversary of the Ven. Soma Thera
A number of functions were held yesterday to commemorate the first death anniversary of the Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thera. A sarva rathrika parithrana Dhamma preaching was held last night at the Maharagama Vajiragnana Dharmayatana at 8.30. A Sanghagata Dakshina for over 100 monks is to be held today.

A museum in honour of the Ven. Soma Thera is also to be established and the foundation stone-laying ceremony was scheduled for 9.30 am today. The Janavijaya delegation and the first commemoration will be held at 2.00 pm today under the patronage of Ven. Veligama Gnanaratana chief prelate of Amarapura Dharmarakshita Nikaya.

The Ven. Soma Thera's commemoration foundation have organized a Sil campaign named Anupassana Sila Samadhiya at the Viharamaha Devi Park in Colombo today.

The other places, where the Ven. Soma Thera is to be commemorated are at the Wellawatta Sri Dharmodaya Viharaya, Gangodavila Bodu Padanama, Nugegoda Super Market, Battaramulla, the Wickramasinghepura Housing complex, at the National Hospital Colombo and the Somavira Chandrasiri Ground Piliyandala.

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