TV Times

Story of feud between good & evil
‘Diya Bubula’ telefilm revolving around clashes that erupt in a village with the entry of one ruthless person is telecast every Saturday at 8.35 pm belt. Directed by Nishantha de Alwis, it stars Anusha Damayanthi Thisaragama, Sureni Senarath, Rex Kodippili and Susan Fernando in lead roles.

‘Diya Bubula’ starts with the entrance of an outsider to a once peaceful village. He starts spreading evil throughout the village and his activities are protected by a politician in the area.

Meanwhile the politician is trying to get hold of a beautiful graduate in the village forcibly. And with the intervention of a young police inspector this is prevented. The chief incumbent in the temple too fights against the evil that is fast spreading in the village. The politician tries his best to transfer the police officer Prabath Wickremasinghe but the villagers raise objections. Thus erupts a clash between the politician and his evil minded supporters and the villagers led by the monk.

What would be the end of this fight? The fifteen episode of ‘Diya Bubula’ will provide the answer at the end.


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