threat recedes as tsunami batters Tigers

All that remains of the Naval Sub Unit at Mutur in the Trincomalee
district. Pic by Ishara S. Kodikara |
the cameras and microphones turn away from the death, damage and
destruction of last week's tsunamis, the nation will awaken once
more to the festering ethnic issue - one that portended another
catastrophe in the New Year.
was after the Tiger guerrilla threat to revert to war if their demand
for an Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) is not conceded.
If the Al Qaeda attacks in New York and Washington in 2001 was billed
as the 9-11 incidents, nature's onslaught on Sri Lanka would be
the 12-26 catastrophe.
no doubt has blast frozen the cold war that went on late last year
and threatened to continue from yesterday, day one of 2005. The
Government and the security forces are all focused on the aftermath
of 12-26 - much worse than all the loss of human lives and destruction
during a near two decades of separatist war. So is the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
most immediate consequence - the Ceasefire Agreement between the
Government and the LTTE, which will turn three years next month,
will remain more stable. With both sides pre-occupied, indulgence
in activity that one side will accuse the other of violating the
ceasefire, will no doubt be less. Like the Army's complaint this
week, it will have more to do with the aftermath of the catastrophe
than on other issues.
Wednesday, the Army complained of attempts by Tiger guerrilla cadres
in the east to grab relief supplies in the Trincomalee district
destined to a “cleared” area. Troops had to secure the
19 lorries taking the supplies organised by the popular Sinhala
TV channel Sirasa and its Tamil sister channel Shakthi. In another
instance, civilians in Mahindapura and Kallar villagers who organised
a relief convoy to Eachalampattu and Poonagar villagers were forced
to hand them over to the guerrillas.
the tasks for SLMM head retired Norwegian General Trond Furuhovde
and his men would enter a new sphere - keeping the peace between
the two sides whilst their respective relief operations are under
way. But long-term implications, however, remain for both.
to the security forces. Admittedly they were not in the best state
of preparedness since the Ceasefire Agreement. President Kumaratunga
herself has conceded this to her Cabinet Ministers on many an occasion.
Equipment shortages, lack of spares, dwindling troop strengths and
the mass exit of deserters are some of the contributory factors.
Although a belated decision has been made not to commit any more
troops for UN peacekeeping operations, one battalion made up of
well-trained troops are already in Haiti. In addition, a total of
8,668 have been allowed to opt out of the Army. More are to follow
this backdrop there was substantial damage to security forces and
even Police encampments as a result of the catastrophe caused by
tsunamis. The exact extent still remains to be fully assessed. Forward
Defended Localities (FDLs) adjoining the north-eastern coast that
divided security forces positions from guerrilla bases have been
washed away. The Army's camp in Kallady in the Batticaloa district
is virtually non existent now. There has been some loss of weapons.
Their camp in Kalkudah has also been damaged. The commanding officer
of 232 Brigade, Col. W.M.S. Gunaratne was the senior-most officer
to die together with his son Diran Dhananjaya who was on vacation
Naval establishments were also badly hit. They include Dakshina
in Galle and those in Point Pedro, Manalkadu, Kirinda and some sub
units north of Trincomalee. Fifteen navy personnel died. The commando
arm of the Police, the Special Task Force (STF) camps in the east
were also badly hit. They included Komari, Panama, Arugam Bay and
task of restoring these camps, no doubt, will become a priority
for the security establishment. If Government resources are available
for this, quite clearly, they would find it difficult to fund the
entirety of programmes formulated to ensure an enhanced military
preparedness. Such a programme was taking shape in the wake of declared
guerrilla threats to resort to hostilities in the New Year. Hence,
the Government would have to be content with some of the bilateral
Government to Governemnt arrangements for military procurements
that are on the pipeline. In the wake of last week's developments,
the needs now would have to be re-assessed and only the barest minimum
required obtained leaving opportunities for other sectors that are
high priority. Here again, such a move is not altogether unjustified
because threat perceptions, at least in the short term, have changed
considerably since the catastrophe.
Kumaratunga had declared that her top most priorities after last
week's disaster are the immediate restoration of the road networks
followed by restoration of telecommunication facilities, building
hospitals, schools and providing housing to those displaced. Hence,
any military spending for greater militarization or enhanced preparedness,
quite understandably, will be not high priority.
to the LTTE. There has been very heavy damage and destruction in
guerrilla controlled areas. CNN Correspondent Stan Grant who also
doubles anchor from their Hong Kong Bureau and his cameraman, Wen
Chun learnt that the death toll alone exceeded 14,000. Many thousands
were displaced and hundreds were languishing in open ground with
no roof above their heads. They were badly hit by the lack of medical
supplies, even basic necessities like aspirin and antibiotics.
has caused severe hardships to civilians. So much so, thousands
in Vakarai (Batticaloa) district moved to cross over to security
forces controlled areas. They were, however, prevented at gun point
from passing through guerrilla controlled check-points. State agencies,
Non Government Organisations and even civilian groups have been
debarred from moving into any guerrilla controlled areas to distribute
relief or engage in other humanitarian activity. The LTTE has insisted
that all relief, both in financial grants and supplies, should be
handed over to its own Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO).
It would be the responsibility of the TRO to distribute such relief
in affected areas in guerrilla controlled territory.
has led to the Government officials being denied a fuller picture
of what is going on in the guerrilla controlled areas. As a result,
even the death counts which the Ministry of Social Services put
out daily based on reports received from Divisional Secretariats
reported a toll of between 1000 and 1,500. When relief teams arrived
in Sri Lanka from various countries, one priority of the Government
was to despatch a Russian team to the Wanni. Officers at the Army
Checkpoint at Omanthai waved them through but the Tiger guerrillas
turned them away at their check-point. The Russians had to return.
need to channel all funds through the TRO was further re-iterated
by LTTE Political Wing leader, S.P. Tamilselvan. He told a conference
of international donors at the LTTE Peace Secretariat in Kilinochchi
on Thursday that all relief would be welcome and there was a dire
need for medical supplies. Taking part in the event were representatives
of UN agencies. Among them were representatives of UN Disaster Management
Committee, UNICEF the World Health Organisation and the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Many NGOs including Oxfam
and representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross
were also there.
LTTE military machine has been very badly dented by the catastrophe.
The main Sea Tiger base at Chalai had suffered very heavy damage.
So were their encampments in Mullativu, located in the same area
where the security forces base functioned until July 16, 1995. Also
hit were many smaller Sea Tiger units that were located along the
north-east coast.
of the first measures adopted by the LTTE hierarchy in Kilinochchi
is to send out instructions to their senior and lower level cadres.
They were told that casualty figures of fighting cadres or any other
details concerning them should not be divulged.
Sunday Times learnt that by late Monday, the Tiger guerrilla death
count had exceeded 2100 fighting cadres. In the North (Jaffna, Nagerkovil
and adjoining areas) more than 250 were reported killed. In the
LTTE heartland of Mullaitivu, Chalai, Nayaru and immediate outskirts
more than 1400 had died. In the East, the largest amount of casualties
had been in the Trincomalee district, at Sampur, Koonativu, Koonativu
and Kokkutuduwai areas. In the Batticaloa district (Verugal, Kathiraveli,
Vakarai and neighbouring areas), a total of 150 cadres had been
reported killed. Sources in Tiger guerrilla controlled areas say
the figure was likely to rise as evacuation and rehabilitation efforts
are under way.
LTTE has been very quick to react to adopt remedial measures. Already
a propaganda unit has been placed under the charge of S. Prabagaran
alias Pulithevan, head of the LTTE peace secretariat. This was to
focus exclusively on the damage caused to people in LTTE controlled
areas by the tsunamis. Video material of the catastrophe is already
on the way to their organisations in foreign capitals. The idea
is to screen them during pre-arranged meetings and immediately launch
a major fund raising campaign. The Tamil diaspora abroad has been
advised on the need to give priority to this.
dent to the LTTE military machine as a result of last week's developments,
in the long term, will not translate into a major advantage to the
security forces. The latter may be compelled to maintain the existing
status quo for much longer period than the LTTE. Herein lies the
significance of why the LTTE is disallowing all outside relief personnel
from entering areas dominated by it. In raising funds through the
TRO, not to mention material support, the guerrillas are aiming
to create a monolithic organisation that will be the bulwark of
the "economy" in "uncleared" areas.
NGOs and the Tamil diaspora, many a UN agency is bound to help them.
With an LTTE campaign that the Government was neglecting their areas
in the distribution of relief, the question therefore remains whether
some foreign governments will be compelled to channel aid through
this NGO. After all, the former UNF Government of Ranil Wickremesinghe
had granted NGO status for the LTTE's TRO. For all intents and purposes,
it is therefore, a recognised body.
from the vast sums of money that the TRO will collect, the LTTE
no doubt will siphon a sizeable part to immediately re-build its
damaged military machine. That will include the construction of
new camps, recruitment of new cadres and even the procurement of
weapons. For the Sea Tigers, that would mean the acquisition of
more boats. For all these, the LTTE has now ensured a fund raising
mechanism, one that is absent for the security forces.
will not be long before the LTTE steps up its recruitment drive
both in the North and East. An important area to watch out for would
be the hundreds of makeshift camps and houses where internally displaced
persons are now located. LTTE "talent scouts" will scour
these places looking for potential recruits to enhance its strength.
With their excellent organisational abilities, the task will take
weeks instead of months.
will not be surprising if the process is further expanded to rope
in elderly cadres for civilian militia roles - much the same way
they did during the period of Operation Jaya Sikurui. Civilians
who fled the Jaffna peninsula were co-opted and trained. Those who
refused to join in were denied their weekly food issues, supplied
by the Government and distributed by the LTTE. Many later returned
as displaced persons to Jaffna.
this context, President Kumaratunga's New Year message on Friday
assumes greater significance. She declared "This is a fine
opportunity for us to look at the ethnic struggle from a new perspective
and realise the need for a new approach for a permanent solution.
Let us give serious thought to live in a united Sri Lanka, as one
nation, with equal rights, while preserving our individual identities.
If wisdom prevails and all political parties grasp this reality,
we Sri Lankans could live in a united Sri Lanka.
us learn from this disastrous experience and unite to build a nation."
Interesting enough, the call came just one day after United States
President, George W. Bush telephoned President Kumaratunga to convey
America's sympathies over last week's catastrophe. According to
diplomatic sources, President Bush spoke to President Kumaratunga
of his Government's wish to see rapprochements - one between the
Government and the Opposition. The other is between the Government
and the LTTE. The unfortunate disaster, President Bush believed,
afforded a window of opportunity to re-define the terms of engagement.
this respect, what UN Secretary General Kofi Annan told a UN news
conference on Friday becomes relevant. A journalist asked him "Do
you see an opportunity, perhaps a silver lining, in that the civil
war has been suspended because of this disaster? When things get
back to normal, they just resume fighting again? Or is there something
to work on?
Annan replied: "We hope that this offers an opportunity both
in Aceh and in Sri Lanka and that the protagonists are now working
together to bring support to those in need. I hope that collaboration
is not going to end with the crisis and that they will be able to
build on that and use this new dynamic to resolve their own differences.
We will be encouraging that."
this climate of no belligerence, Norway's Special Envoy, Erik Solheim,
arrives in Colombo this week. Besides conveying the Norwegian Government's
sympathies to both sides, he will also talk to President Kumaratunga
(in Colombo) and Mr. Thamilselvan in Kilinochchi on the need to
take the peace process forward on a fresh note. Hence, many a new
challenge is in store for Sri Lankans in the year 2005 which began
yesterday. |