article is part of a continuing series on the ‘Mahavamsa’,
the recorded chronicle of Sri Lankan history
Reverend Sanghamitta’s
1. One day, Rev. Sanghamitta went to meet King Gothabhaya. The king
welcomed him warmly. In the course of their conversation, the king
came to realize how learned this monk was and began to like him.
He requested the monk to teach his two children, Detutissa and Mahasen.
The priest very willingly undertook the task as he was awaiting
a chance to get close to the king.
The monk thought it was a good opportunity for him to achieve his
ambition. He addressed the king thus, “O, great King. It is
no big deal for me to teach the two princes. But where shall I teach
them?” The king then asked whether it was possible to do so
at the Thuparama temple. The priest then replied saying, “Oh
no! I cannot do so. Rev. Sanghapala is angry with me from the day
of that incident. Don’t you know that they are not very learned.
He is old in years too”.
The king thought for a moment and said, “That is so. You can
come to the palace”. Then Prince Detutissa came and sat next
to his father. Rev. Sanghatissa told the king that he has to find
an alternative place to live. The king then wanted to know whether
he was asked to leave Thuparama. Rev. Sanghatissa, then lied to
the king, saying that it would have been better if he was asked
to go, without ill-treating him. Uttering falsehoods he even said
that Rev. Sanghapala criticized the king.
This antagonized the king against his uncle Rev. Sanghapala. The
king wanted to know what really was wrong with him. Rev. Sangahtissa
said that all that was due to ignorance and added that Rev. Sanghapala
still cherished old ideas. The king in assent said “Yes. I
too realize that he doesn’t know to speak properly. But I
am surprised at the change in him. Even though he is my uncle, I
have been losing faith in him. What you did that day was quite right.
I couldn’t say it myself”.
Rev. Sanghamitta smiled without uttering a word. Prince Detutissa
who was there, was greatly offended at the insult levelled against
his grand-uncle. He remained quiet. Rev. Sanghapala loved these
princes very much and Prince Detutissa was quite aware of it. The
king told Rev. Sanghamitta to leave Thuparama and go to Abhayagiri.
He promised to make all the necessary arrangements there, for his
Rev. Sanghatissa was delighted and thanked the king for taking care
of him. He returned to Thuparama. Meanwhile, Rev. Sanghapala got
to know that Rev. Sanghamitta visited the palace, but did not ask
him anything. Several days passed. Rev. Sanghamitta continued to
visit the palace, to teach the two princes. Prince Detutissa, however,
did not show a liking for Rev. Sanghapala.
Prince Mahasen was just the opposite. He liked Rev. Sanghamitta
very much and the monk too loved Prince Mahasen, more than Prince
Detutissa. In the meantime, King Gothabhaya had made necessary arrangements
for the priest to reside in the Abhayagiri temple. Rev. Sanghamitta,
without even informing Rev. Sanghapala, left Thuparama. The king
too stopped visiting Thuparama to see his uncle. He began to follow
the advice of Rev. Sanghamitta.
As days went by Rev. Sanghapala wanted to find out why the king
had stopped visiting him. He visited the palace one day and informed
the door-keeper that he wanted to see the king. The door-keeper
went in and came back with the reply that the king could not be
met at that time as he was having a discussion with Rev. Sanghamitta.
Rev. Sanghapala was deeply hurt. He was disgusted. He went back
to Thuparama temple and never again did he visit the palace.
Halaliye Karunathilake
Edited and translated by
Kamala Silva
Illustrated by
Saman Kalubowila