help for People's Bank for capital adequacy needs
People's Bank recorded the highest profit after tax and before extra
ordinary items reaching Rs. 2.2 billion for 2004, while crossing
over from a negative networth on the balance sheet to a positive
networth for the first time since 1998.
Profit after taxation and all extraordinary items amounted to Rs.
1.4 billion. The extra ordinary items relate mainly to provisions
for losses arising from the tsunami, amounting to Rs. 681 million.
top official at the bank told reporters the government will inject
funds, given in tranches by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to
recapitalise the bank, presently short of Rs. 11 billion in capital
ADB is not giving us the money directly, we are getting it through
the government in September," Chairman P. Amarasinghe, releasing
the annual report last Wednesday, said.
official said when the bank has sufficient funds in tier one capital,
which accounts for share capital and retained profits, it will revalue
the fixed assets.
with the first ADB tranche of US$ 20 million and the asset revaluation
we can reach Central Bank's minimum capital adequacy requirements,"
he said. He did not say when, but hinted this will be done in two
Bank, which launched a major shake-up streamlining its functions,
in 2001 extending to 2003, has now started the second phase of restructuring,
for 2004 to 2008.
bank has performed exceptionally to show consistent profit and balance
sheet growth despite the many challenges faced last year and the
affects of the tsunami on many of its customers," Amarasinghe
annual report for 2004 has been designed to comply with the latest
international standards of "Triple Bottom Line" Reporting,
in itself a pioneering endeavour by a state owned enterprise.
its huge scale of operations this is the third consecutive year
that the bank has been able to produce the report within three months,
producing it in three sections relating to Corporate Governance,
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. |