
On your mark... Get set...
By S.R. Pathiravithana
The present-day cricket administrative structures of this tiny island has not only been a topic for cricket pundits the world over but also a topic for the cricket loving public, maybe at a social gathering or just in idle banter over a drink at any of the given venues.

With this situation at hand, speculation is rife. People know that an Interim Committee has been formulated, but what they are up to is only guesswork. Some even go to the extent of accusing that when an elected body comes forward they first come out with a given policy that they hope to carry forward, but when this Interim Committee was formulated people were drafted in an ad-hoc manner and they did not have a working agenda for cricket and how could they move forward in an scenario of this nature?

To get a better insight into all this hullabaloo Sunday Musing sought the assistance of the present Sri Lanka Cricket Interim Committee's secretary Tryphon Mirando. The rather publicity - shy businessman turned cricket administrator was very affirmative in his statement. "As a matter of fact we all are always within the periphery of the game. We are always aware of what is going on. I myself have been involved with the game and its administration for the past twenty five years since I first became an office bearer of the Tamil Union. Unlike today, during that era there was a lot of activity taking place there. As a result I got familiar with all aspects of handling national and international engagements and also got to know a lot of people who were involved directly in the administration of the game for about a decade and a half. Then it followed with my getting involved with the activities with cricket administration of the country -- the then BCCSL, where I was the treasurer and the secretary for a period of time. So with such a background we knew exactly what was needed at the present juncture and we started acting accordingly".

"First it was the coach. The term of the previous coach had expired but nothing concrete had been done. So we appointed Tom Moody as the head coach of the organisation. Tom Moody's job will not be confined only to the handling of the senior team. He is also entrusted with and expected to oversee the entire cricketing structure of this country from grass-roots level. He is expected in the island on the 18th of June where he will set about getting the senior team ready for their engagement with the West Indies who will be visiting the country in the following month. Thereafter he will mould and gradually transform the team into winning the next World Cup which is our first desired goal."

"In the meantime Moody will also work with the appointed Cricket Committee taking a look at the coaching structure of the country and the junior level of cricket. We will even invite him to watch some school matches and try spot some useful talent for the future".

"For this endeavour he will definitely need a team. So our next step will be to appoint an assistant coach. We at the IC genuinely feel that a local coach in this position would be more beneficial to us. A local assistant coach can get familiarised with the work pattern at the top and then cascade it down the line in a more effective manner. If we get a foreigner for this job as assistant coach it will not be as effective as he will work with us for a given period of time and then go away to impart that knowledge elsewhere."

"Then, we will have to have a closer look at the local infrastructure of tournaments and the game as a whole. Towards this we have appointed a very powerful Cricket Committee which the names have already been publicised. Last week they met for the first time and they have discussed a wide array of subjects pertaining to the future of the game. Besides the invited members who serve in the Committee, the IC will be represented by Adel Hashim. This committee will strive to formulate a solid, workable, foolproof programme for the game's future".

Speaking on the appointed sub-committees the SLC-IC secretary said "We have appointed certain members to the given committees and they are expected to do a job of work. It is not right to criticise them even before they could get down to the job. Give them a period time and we will see how they perform. If they do not perform then you can take them to task. For instance the newly appointed tour organising committee at present is doing a grand job with regard to the arrival of the West Indian team. They have visited so many hotels and got so many quotations without going by what was already going on and they have got many attractive offers. This means things are moving in the right direction. What I am saying is without doing a job for the sake of doing it, it is always better to commit oneself to do the job in a more effective manner".

Then getting on to the subject of the national selectors the IC secretary said "Previously there were complaints about them as to how many of the selectors go and really witness the games. It is true it is an honorary job and at the same time there are expenses involved. So now the IC has decided to reimburse them as well as provide them with cellular phones. With this facility the selectors could be in different locations and at the same time communicate with each other on related matters without any expense to themselves".

Finally defining the term Interim Committee and its functions Tryphon Mirando said "We have been entrusted with a certain job of work and we are expected to carry forward the game of cricket with added improvements while attending to the day-to-day affairs. For instance we are now working with the Indian Cricket authorities on the postponed five ODI's. If they were played during the appointed time it may have been to our disadvantage as there was soaring heat in India. But, if we can re-date to the near future the climate will be better suited for our cricketers". This way we will function till the authorities feel that a new IC should be formed or fresh elections should be called up".


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