up- Young Leaders!
Wise Old Owl heard a big bang waking up from a deep sleep and realized
that it was not a dream about the M theory. It was about an event
yet to dawn - the power hungry, self centered, corrupt and egoistic
leaders of the Sri Lankan society were blowing up the future of
the nation and its people. Wise Old Owl woke the sleeping young
ones saying "Obata Puthe Magak Nethe- The nation's leadership
is at play without mother Lanka as the centre of focus".
in and out of power are focussing on planning their moves in the
chess games of power that only sees an end result of their own crowning
glory. Otherwise why do they make such a big fuss about a piece
of paper when the issue is only about helping tsunami affected unfortunate
fellow citizens. The systemic instability created and its long-term
consequences are no concern of theirs. The leaders sit together
but publicly criticize each other and their policies. A vision for
the nation and its people are never in the forefront. Lessons in
leadership from India, the giant in the sub continent appear not
to have any effects and they do not believe in the saying "
divided we all fall and united we all develop". They stand
up when the national anthem is sung, but do not commit to build
the qualities and attributes of mother Lanka described in the song.
Development Forum held in the hills brought out the worst of the
nation's leadership, with some strutting like peacocks, some boycotting
the meeting and others acting as if on stage. The Suthra Thattha
(the father of tricks with numbers) presented dreams that are unrealistic,
unsustainable and not focussing on the nation's economic ills. The
visiting dignitaries warned that the expected revenues and growth
projections will not be realized and inflation will run high with
the fiscal deficit the only growing number of certainty. The Monetary
Board has forsaken its independence and abrogated the responsibility
for price and fiscal stability. The ST (Treasury Secretary) appears
to control not only the Treasury but also the Central Bank!
examining the statistics of crime and the media reported incidents
any one can easily assess the prevailing state of discipline, law,
order and security and the consequential law enforcement effectiveness.
These details are shamelessly announced by the chief of law enforcement,
placing the blame on the people not being scared to commit serious
crime. The vulnerable population of women, children and elders have
nowhere to turn to, with a woman even unable to go about her business
without harassment and even rape. A woman travelling in a bus is
raped, a foreign lady getting down from a vehicle to ask for directions
is molested, Buddhist clergy are charged with rape and convicted
pedophiles run children's homes. Road accidents take away precious
lives, drunken and reckless driving is the norm and vehicle robberies
are everywhere. Gangs and terrorist groups gun down rivals and several
gangsters in police custody are found floating in rivers dead.
jurists and human rights tribunals pass severe strictures on the
state of affairs in the nations judicial system, biased and unsatisfactory
judgements and judicial misdemeanor. The judges and regulators appear
to lack independence, competency and righteousness with powerful,
well connected and influential people having their dreams always
assured whether the means justify the end or not.
is yet looking backwards, with curricula unchanged for decades and
in the dark ages. The investment in terms of developing human resources
with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to shoulder this
nation's future challenges is negligible. The Education Ministry
is in the mean time focussing efforts in hunting down wrong doers
in school admissions without asking the reasons why such actions
arise in the first place. Vice Chancellors resign and Universities
close due to politically backed student union action.
nation's infrastructure is strained with no investments in essential
areas and this makes business a non-competitive proposition for
investors. Energy experts warn of impending brown outs. Labour productivity
is low with excessive holidays, low investment in training and a
negative work ethic encouraged by leaders and unions and redundancy
cost are the highest in the region.
communications divide the people and project negative news. "Sri
Lanka Inc" does not feature in the communications strategy
to bind the people to a national vision. The business leaders have
become "yes men" and see only narrow personal issues and
have forsaken the visions to place the nation and its people first.
Wise Old Owl advises the young " forget the present leaders,
go out to the village and build a new young set that will place
the interests of the nation and its people first." |