
Presidential survey shows over 60 percent against JM
A sample survey of 2020 adults by a research unit functioning under the Presidential Secretariat has revealed that 61.9 percent are opposed to the Joint Mechanism. While 21.93 percent were in favour, the survey revealed that 16.98 percent had no views to offer.

As a result of the survey, the Presidential Secretariat has decided to launch a public awareness campaign to educate the public on the proposed joint mechanism. The thrust of the campaign is to call upon the people to forget their differences and support the joint mechanism. It will be carried out through the state media.

The two-day research programme had been conducted by a team utilising telephones. Numbers had been obtained at random from the telephone directory.

Those who opposed the joint mechanism were of the view that it granted recognition to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Those in favour, however, held the view that it was no different to the Ceasefire Agreement signed by the then previous UNP Government.

Whilst 34 percent of those surveyed believed President Kumaratunga could resolve the ethnic conflict, 31.6 per cent thought she could not. Forty-four percent of them said no politicians could solve the ethnic issue.

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