Three ICASL Presidents at governance forum
Three top Sri Lankan corporate sector Chartered Accountants have been tasked by the Global Corporate Governance Forum with developing a curriculum for corporate governance education in the region, a statement from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) said.

Indrajith Fernando, ICASL President, and two of the institute's past presidents Asite Talwatte and Nivard Cabraal were invited to Washington DC last month for a six-day Corporate Governance Leadership Program organized under the aegis of the World Bank.

The intensive corporate governance education programme conducted by the Global Corporate Governance Forum (GCGF) in partnership with the Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) focused on substantive corporate governance understanding and elements of internationally recognized private sector best practice centered on capital market expectations.

Corporate governance promoters from more than 10 countries who participated in the program were provided with the knowledge and skills needed to lead director education programs that reflect international best practice adapted to regional needs in their respective countries.

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