
Indian DPL vehicle robbed: Police on full alert
By Chris Kamalendran
The vehicle belonging to India’s Assistant High Commissioner Rajan Pillai was robbed at gun point in Ambepussa yesterday when he and his wife stopped for breakfast at the popular rest house in the area, an official said.

The couple and their driver had got out of their Toyota Land Cruiser and were walking into the rest house when two armed men confronted them, demanded the keys and got away with the vehicle, High Commission spokesman Anand Gill said.

Police said they were called in and road blocks were set up immediately but there was no trace of the vehicle till last evening. A police official said they were concerned whether the vehicle with diplomatic number plates might be used to enter High Security areas and were on full alert. The incident occurred when Assistant High Commission Pillai who is stationed in Kandy was returning to the hill capital with his wife after attending a function in Colombo.

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