
Namal hat-trick floors Peterites
STC 24 - SPC 17
By Shamseer Jaleel
In spite of a brave second half rally by the Peterites, S. Thoams’ magnificiently defended the custody of the Archibald Perera memorial trophy when they beat the latter by 24 points (2 Goals, 2 Tries ) to 17 points (1 Goal, 2 Tries) at Bambalapitiya, yesterday.

At “Lemons” the Thominans led 7-0.
Thomians dominated the first half through their heavier set of forwards who combined well with their three quarters with skipper and number 8 Namal Rajapakse leading from the front. In the 19th minute of the game S. Thomas’ scored through a forwards rush with skipper Namal Rajapakse ploughing his way over for a try. With Sanjay Samarasinghe kicking the correct line STC went up 7-0 at the short breather. Though the Petrites played good open rugby in the last few minutes of the initial half they didn’t convert their good work in to points. They got two kickable penalties in the 27th and 30th minute of the game but both were missed by their stand off Tuan Meedin.

Thominas playing cohesive rugby early in the second half took control of the game very early with dominating the set pieces and lightning fast on the loose ball. Once again skipper Namal Rajapakse who gave a Lion hearted performance planted two more tries in the 3rd and 16th minutes of the game.

The first was through a sweeping three quarter move with skipper Namal joining the line and the later through a solo running pass a few defenders. Full back Sanjay Samarasinghe converting one of the tries to take the lead to 19-0. Then the lads from Bambalapitiya started their fight back with Flanker Sanjeev Jayawardena crashing through to score a try with Tuan Meedin converting to cut the deficit to 19-7. Thomian full back who scored the last try in the game against Royal last week did this time too with a three quarter move.

Peterites who punched holes in the tired Thomian defense kept on attacking through their three quarters who worked the line and played open rugby. They scored 2 quick tries through centre Matissa Silva and winger Dilanka Peiris. With both conversions missed and time ran out to take the Thomians a step closer to win the Singer under 20 “A” league.Referee Dilroy Fernando
In the Under 18 game S. Thomas’ beat the St Peter’s 15-3


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