
PM: Free meal for children, shelter for the homeless
By Dilip Rangajith
Prime Minister and SLFP presidential candidate Mahinda Rajapakse yesterday declared that he would provide a free meal for school children suffering from malnourishment.

Addressing a rally at Embilitipitiya, Mr. Rajapakse said a plan to look after the welfare of schoolchildren would be one of his priorities, if he was elected president.

Earlier in the day addressing at the opening ceremony of a new housing scheme at Ambalantota, the premier said the government had taken necessary action to provide houses not only for tsunami victims but also for every homeless family.

“Everyone needs a good house to live in harmony; we have identified this vital need. We expect to provide houses for every family. The development of the country depends on the well-being of the people,” he said.

Mr. Rajapakse said it was impossible to establish law and order in the country without the co-operation of the people. The prime minister said if people and communities had mutual respect for each other, peace could be easily achieved.

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