may save us from fishy mess
By C. Fernando and A. Hettiarachchi
Sri Lanka holds a very prominent place in regard to inland fisheries
worldwide. It has the richest reservoir fishery in the world in
terms of productivity. The average productivity of Sri Lankan reservoirs
is over 300 kg per hectare.
to the 1950s, inland fisheries were non-existent as a commercial
enterprise. This changed dramatically when an African fish, well
adapted to living in lakes and reservoirs was introduced to the
country. Sri Lanka has the highest density of reservoirs (man-made
lakes) in the world, but not a single natural lake. The closest,
one gets to lakes are the villus or flood plain lakes, in the lower
reaches of rivers.
soon after the African fish named Tilapia was introduced to Sri
Lanka in 1952, fish catches that were negligible in reservoirs,
increased dramatically, especially in the shallow, larger ones.
The annual fish catch in reservoirs, which was around 400 tons in
the mid-fifties increased to 4000 tons in the mid-sixties, 13,000
tons in the mid-seventies, 33,000 tons in the mid-eighties and 40,000
tons in 1989.
were spread around the world beginning in the 1950s. The reason
for this was their high production, and their good taste and keeping
qualities. At first, there was suspicion about these fishes. In
Sri Lanka they were referred to as “Japan Korali”, large
but not very desirable as fish. Soon this changed, and people began
eating tilapia. This fish was very cheap at the start in Sri Lanka.
In 1965, when one of us (CHF) was a fishery research officer, in
Polonnaruwa where a large ancient reservoir, Parakrama Samudra was
present, tilapias were sold for Rs. 0.20 per kilo. Today the retail
price is about Rs. 90 per kilo or 450 times the 1960s’ price.
In fact immediately after the tsunami disaster when the marine fish
supply declined sharply tilapia prices went up to Rs. 130 per kilo.
Of course there has been considerable inflation during the intervening
period but in spite of this, it is clear that tilapias are now accepted
on par with some popular marine fishes.
Lankan experience
The introduction of tilapias has been a success story, as far as
reservoir fisheries are concerned. However, the culture of freshwater
fishes has been an unmitigated failure in Sri Lanka. There are two
main reasons for this situation. Carp culture was encouraged from
the 1940s and many scientists and technicians were trained for this
switch to tilapia culture was delayed or was too slow in Sri Lanka.
Hare-brained schemes to culture sturgeon on the advice of Russian
experts failed, predictably. Attempts to set up a fish meal industry
based on large quantities of indigenous carps have not materialized.
The main reason why tilapia culture is not thriving now is because
the reservoir caught tilapias are so cheap compared to what it would
cost to produce cultured tilapias. Tilapias unlike carps are traded
widely internationally. The USA is the major importer of tilapias,
importing 93,000 tons in 2003.
only way at present that tilapias can be cultured in Sri Lanka and
sold at a profit is to export to foreign markets in Europe, North
America and perhaps Japan.
future of fisheries
During the past fifty or sixty years the most profitable marine
fish stocks like tuna, cod and herring have been systematically
over-fished and many fisheries have closed temporarily or collapsed.
Efforts mediated by the United Nations have attempted to conserve
fish stocks so that they would be sustainable. However, these efforts
are perhaps too little too late. Marine fisheries were thought to
be inexhaustible, because of the vast extent of the oceans, the
vast stocks of fish and the difficulties of harvesting.
predictions were proved wrong and most important fish stocks are
now in decline or have collapsed. High catches have been maintained
by switching to other stocks and more intensive fishing. However,
this cannot go on for very long.
alternative used by humans over millennia has been to domesticate
and culture plants and animals. This gives more sustainable and
higher yields (e.g. cattle, chickens, tilapias and some other fishes,
potatoes). The productivity of tilapias especially, is very high
(600-800 kilos per hectare per year). It is estimated by the FAO,
that by 2030 the production from aquaculture in the world will be
around 117 million tons per annum. In other words the production
from aquaculture worldwide will be more than the present total fish
catch in the world, which is about 100 million tons annually and
comes mainly from marine fisheries. With the increase in standards
of living and the population, the demand for fish in 2030 in the
world would have risen considerably, while the marine fish production
would probably have declined from over-fishing from the present
figure of about 100 million tons annually.
is important that Sri Lanka develops fish culture if it is to be
competitive with the rest of the world in fish production. Sri Lanka
possesses around 14,000 large and small reservoirs including seasonal
reservoirs with a total extent of 260,000 ha. The large reservoirs
could be used for cage culture of tilapias and the small reservoirs
including seasonal reservoirs for extensive and intensive culture,
besides culturing fishes in ponds. Much research and investment
of funds will be necessary to have a successful and highly productive
fish culture.
culture may prove a boon to the country but this will depend on
many factors including political decisions.
Fernando is attached to the Department of Biology, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and A. Hettiarachchi to the
Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka)