CB’s economic and social statistics booklet
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has just released its annual publication titled “Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka 2005 – Volume XXVII”.
This volume of 173 pages contains 175 Statistical Tables and 12 Charts contains detailed time series data on various socio-economic variables covering Climate, Population and Labour Force, National Accounts, Agriculture, Industry, Prices and Wages, External Trade and Finance, Money and Capital Markets, Government Finance, Banking and Financial Institutions, Transportation, and Socio-Economic Services. It has been updated with the latest information on living conditions in Sri Lanka from the Consumer Finances and Socio-Economic Survey 2003/04 conducted by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The publication has also been expanded to provide disaggregated information at the provincial level on key economic variables, including socio economic conditions, GDP in current terms, agriculture and livestock statistics, water consumption, foreign employment, and plantation sector manpower and production.

This volume also presents a set of world tables on Consumer Prices, Consumption, Investment, GDP, External Trade, Foreign Reserves, Human Development Indices and other comparative socio-economic statistics for many countries, particularly those in the Asan region. The publication contains a wide range of the most recent socio-economic data that would be useful to and of current interest to researchers, students, teachers, policy makers and the general public.

The publication is available at the Publication Sales Counter of the Department of Information, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 58, Sri Jayewardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya and Regional Offices of the Central Bank in Matara, Matale and Anuradhapura and leading book shops in Colombo.

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