encounter:Getting to know and coming to terms with the past
The interest aroused by the island’s Portuguese encounter
was demonstrated by the spate of articles in the print media and
programmes on the visual media that appeared recently on what was
popularly imagined to be the 500th anniversary of their first arrival.
The definitive event however to mark the anniversary, 499th really,
was the International Conference organized by the Portuguese Encounter
Group and held on December 10 and 11.
brain-child of Dr. Susantha Goonetilake, this was a group of like-minded
researchers who had come together for the express purpose of exploring
all aspects of the Portuguese presence and to present their findings
as an unbiased and objective study from an entirely non-colonial
perspective of the whole of the island’s Portuguese experience.
the tone and the whole rationale of the Conference one of the chief
speakers at the inauguration emphasised that if the past was being
raked up it was not as an exercise in religious fanaticism or pseudo-nationalism.
But that did not mean either, he was careful to explain to a burst
of spontaneous applause, that they were going to run away from the
past. What they aimed at doing, he said, was to know the past and
expose the past, expose it unemotionally and dispassionately so
that by knowing the past we come to terms with it.
plenary session of the conference was held at the BMICH on December
10. The cyclonic weather conditions that prevailed that morning
delayed the arrival of two of the many international participants
and even the inauguration itself, but despite the pouring rains
the hall was overflowing when the proceedings commenced.
opening session was devoted to presentations on the global overview
of Portuguese colonialism. Making the opening address, Dr. Susantha
Goonatilake spoke on “The Shadow of 500 Years” and was
followed by D. G. B. de Silva who spoke on “Portugal Prepares
for Expansion” and Gaston Perera on “The Ideology of
presentations in the afternoon and evening sessions dealt with the
destruction caused to religious sites by the Portuguese.
technical sessions were held the following day, the 11th, at the
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. The wide spectrum
of papers presented that day was the clearest indication that the
work of the Group was in no way slanted or biased but also of the
width of the range of interests of the Group. Certainly religious
and historical issues were dealt with but presentations were not
confined only to those issues. Some dealt with the naval and military
aspects of the Portuguese occupation and included presentations
on military strategy and weapons. Others dealt with the Portuguese
influence on the island’s music, architecture, languages,
coins and the transfer of plants. The technical sessions concluded
with presentations on issues related to Apology and Compensation.
is intended to publish a consolidated edition of all the papers
on which presentations at the technical sessions were based. These
would be available shortly and those interested are invited to telephone
Gaston Perera on 2585302.