case for and against fertiliser subsidies
In a recent television programme, Rupees and Sense, former Finance
Minister and current Senior Adviser of the Ministry of Finance was
posed a question that appeared to be an uncomfortable one. In the
event, it turned out to be an excellent opportunity for Mr. Ronnie
de Mel to give his views on the pros and cons of subsidies, without
compromising on either his past role or his current position.
viewers may have missed the subtleties of his answer.
The question was direct and apparently simple. "Do you think
the fertiliser subsidy is an investment?"The answer was knowledgeable,
subtle and skillful. He went back to his period as Finance Minister
when he gave across the board subsidies on fertiliser in the face
of opposition by the World Bank and IMF.
tamed these institutions, he told us, by inviting their heads here
and showing them the dire conditions of our farmers. So Mr. de Mel
implied he was for fertiliser subsidies in the public interest.
There were two subtle points he made almost en passé. These
were vital ones in the current situation. He said, almost casually,
that the cost of the subsidy then was much less than today and that
he gave the fertiliser subsidy for all cultivations. These in fact
are the two important points that have to be considered. Is the
cost of the subsidy too high to bear? Is it practical to give only
a limited number of farmers this subsidy?
cost of fertiliser has risen in the market and is likely to continue
rising as it is a petroleum based product. The total cost of the
fertilizer subsidy is huge. It is expected to be around Rs. 8.5
billion for paddy and in total the paddy subsidy is estimated at
Rs. 10 billion. In fact it could rise if oil prices rise further.
Since the fertiliser subsidy is not the only large subsidy and transfer
payment, the total cost of these expenditures have an important
bearing on the fiscal deficit. Therefore inflationary pressures
are significant even though the fertiliser subsidy would have a
beneficial impact on production. It is owing to this problem that
the crafters of the budget restricted the subsidy to genuine paddy
farmers. Therein lies another tricky problem that we will discuss
are no doubt benefits from the fertilizer subsidy. Fertiliser cost
would be more affordable to farmers and thereby it should make a
contribution to paddy production and productivity. Consumers would
also be benefited indirectly owing to the resultant reduction in
the cost of paddy production. Therefore market prices for paddy
are likely to be lower than if fertilizer was not subsidised. Consequently,
the subsidy has a deflationary impact as well as an inflationary
push. Mr. de Mel made the point that he introduced an across the
board subsidy for all crop fertiliser.
no doubt would be difficult to achieve in the current context of
high import prices of fertiliser. But restricting the subsidy to
genuine farmers is wrought with serious problems that could defeat
the objectives of the subsidy. The fertiliser subsidy currently
being implemented is meant to be given to genuine farmers, who can
prove their credentials and they would be given a quota depending
on the extent cultivated. That is a modus operandi that will result
in intended beneficiaries not getting fertiliser.
inherent deficiency is that when the market price is higher than
the subsidised price, corruption to get hold of fertiliser at the
lower subsidised price is inevitable. The recipients of the fertiliser
at the much-subsidised price would in many cases be not the intended
beneficiaries but others with influence and those who can bribe
the distributors of the fertiliser. The seeds of corruption are
within the policy proposal itself. Those with a capacity to influence
the decision makers, such as officers implementing and distributing
the subsidised fertiliser, powerful politicians and traders would
get hold of the fertiliser and re-sell it at higher prices. This
is inevitable. Only some farmers would obtain the requisite quantity
of fertiliser at the subsidised price. The intended beneficiaries
would be limited, the unintended beneficiaries quite large.
fertiliser subsidy could make an important contribution towards
increasing agricultural production and reducing the costs of production.
Yet when such a subsidy is large and combined with other subsidy
measures and welfare payments, the fiscal impact is detrimental
to price stability. Further when the subsidy is large and given
to selected individuals, it is likely to reach many unintended beneficiaries.
These are the reasons for arguing that the present fertiliser policy
could be costly and yet not achieve its stated objectives.
objectives of subsidising fertiliser to farmers and reducing the
cost of production would have been much better served had all fertiliser
been subsidised at source and distributed unreservedly. This would
have meant that there was no need for persons other than farmers
to get hold of fertiliser. Farmers would then have had access to
fertiliser at the subsidised price. Under such a scheme farmers
would have obtained their fertiliser in time and in the quantities
required. The objectives of increased productivity and production
and improvement in farmer incomes would have been achieved. Unfortunately
such a policy is too costly. The fertiliser subsidy that is being
implemented is less costly but will not reach many farmers and therefore
its objectives hardly served.