As if this was as easy as oiling palms
By Rajpal Abeynayake
There will be oil in the Puttalam and Hambanthota coastal belt,
we have been promised. This would have been cause for celebration
of course. My friend, let’s call him Mr Oilmus is always for
celebrations. One more celebration for the cause of finding oil
would have been nothing for him.
this time he was not celebrating. I was wondering whether all the
seasonal celebrations would have done him in, but that was not the
“I do not think that discovering oil is a cause to celebrate,’’
he pointed out looking forlornly into his grapefruit juice.
promptly called him a traitor. I said he is standing in the way
of petro-dollars, and in the way of keeping out ayahs with us rather
than sending them to oil rich countries. “We will be an oil
rich country’’ I said, “and maybe we can have
some Saudi Arabian housemaids working for us for a change.’’
Oilmus kept on being forlorn. He said that being rich and having
oil is a different matter as it is in Texas or in the North Sea,
but look at every country that is poor and has oil -- and its an
invitation for an oily mess.
also added that if god meant for this country to have oil he would
have not made it so beautiful - - because look at all the countries
that have oil and they are all just desserts.
half hoped he was right, and just in order to get his sprits up
I did say that maybe he was right -- and maybe that these peremptory
oil explorations are like all of the other false alarms that were
there before - - and that we will probably not have any oil anyway,
and that he could rest in peace.
But he said no this time we are probably going to find oil.
said he is waking up having nightmares that we will be a petroleum
exporting country, part of that OPEC cartel. I said that it is not
half bad, if all we have to do in exchange for that is to send our
oil minister in an Arab headscarf.
said that an Arab headscarf was the least of our problems. He said
that Arabs and lawyers can live on dates, but if we get hooked on
oil, the Americans will get hooked on us.
have the American got to do with this I was tempted to ask, but
before I could, he took another look at his grapefruit juice as
if there was oil deep down there somewhere, and said that if there
is oil in this country Americans will be interested in our anthropology,
our sociology our lifestyles our language our history an our customs
and manners and our everything.
I said aren’t they already interested in our forests and our
He laughed that derisive laugh which he reserves for everyone he
wants to scoff at so badly as if to dismiss with contempt.
said “forests?”
He said we could burn down all our forests for all we care and all
the Americans care - - but they will still be interested in this
country if there is oil in it.
said the Americans would come to this country even if there were
not a single forest or not a single beer to drink.
to think of it, was he right? Look at the places that the Americans
have been in -- it’s easier to find a barrel of oil in Iraq
that to find a beer in Iraq, I would have thought. Thereby, enlightenment
gradually dawned on me. Perhaps we should settle for just the little
oil in our coconuts; that way we might still have oil lamps to light
whereas Iraq gets bombed right back to the dark ages.