Minister for International Development Erik Solheim reads out the
joint statement after two days of talks between a Government delegation
and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) ended in Geneva
last Thursday. The two sides were present for this media event.
Photo: Sudath Silva
talks: The inside story
Who foxed whom at Chateau de Bossey
The words of Norway's ebullient International Development Minister
Erik Solheim saw the birth of a dialogue between the Government
of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam (LTTE) in Geneva this week.
a hall at the Chateau de Bossey, 22 kilometres from Geneva, heavily
secured by plain clothed Swiss security and intelligence personnel,
he declared "this meeting is about the strengthening of the
Ceasefire Agreement." He said there is a new President, a new
team and a new concept. He expressed the hope that a "new confidence
can be built" but cautioned "it will be slow at the beginning."
is the first time the two sides were facing each other. Talks then
between the United National Front Government of Prime Minister,
Ranil Wickremesinghe and the LTTE broke down in April 2003. Even
more significant, the event in the cooler conclave near Lake Geneva
was a welcome diversion for both sides that were clearly edging
towards an all-out war. At least for the moment, though both sides
are getting more prepared for an outbreak of hostilities, such an
eventuality has now become distant. Under intense international
pressure, they have buckled down to talk whilst preparing more for
little or no experience in talking peace or waging war, President
Mahinda Rajapaksa appears to have succeeded, at least with this
new start, in formulating a new approach for the talks.
is not only by hand picking his Government's delegation, subjecting
them to a virtual "information overload" or getting them
briefed and documents made available on all conceivable issues the
LTTE may raise. More importantly, it was through the setting up
of an Operations Centre on the ground floor at Temple Trees. That
helped him keep in touch personally with what went on in Geneva.
he was not in the Operations Room last Wednesday and Thursday, he
had slipped into his bedroom upstairs for a short rest. Even then,
his Secretary Lalith Weeratunga shunted up and down giving him up
to the minute briefings. How useful the arrangements became can
be seen by one event. When the first day's events ended, President
Rajapaksa was told of moves by the LTTE delegation to stage a walkout
if the Government delegation did not adopt a conciliatory stance.
Rajapaksa was ss. He asked the delegation to stand firm and not
to wilt to such threats. "If they want to walk out, it is up
to them. All we have to do is tell the world our position very clearly,"
he declared. The message was promptly conveyed. The next day the
delegation reported back that the LTTE was less belligerent.
were some humorous moments too. At one point, an official at the
Operations Room asked an official in Geneva on the telephone "How
is Nimal Siripala de Silva. Is he sleeping?" The answer was
prompt. "No, no. He is not. To the contrary he is well focused
and doing a very great job." Some clapped. At one point, news
arrived that another member of the delegation was fast asleep and
had to be woken up by Minister Ferial Ashraff. There was laughter
all round.
their part, the Norwegian facilitators had restricted media access
to the conference venue. They did not want leaks from either side
to dominate coverage and thus have an adverse bearing on the talks.
They had also sought assurances from the Government and the LTTE
that only the Norwegian facilitator would release information to
the media unless they are advised to do so. Having agreed to this
arrangement, the Sri Lanka delegation was upset the LTTE had breached
the understanding.
leader Nimal Siripala de Silva protested that the opening statement
of Anton Balasingham had appeared in full in the Tamilnet website.
Mr. Balasingham agreed nothing would be divulged thereafter until
Thursday evening when the talks ended. This was how even Mr. de
Silva's seven page opening statement was released on Wednesday itself.
Tuesday, soon after the two delegations arrived in Celigny, Norwegian
facilitators began consultations. This was over modalities for the
next day's talks including seating arrangements. At first, Mr. de
Silva insisted that as leader of the Sri Lanka delegation he should
make the opening statement. However, thereafter, as a matter of
"courtesy" he agreed to permit Anton Balasingham to do
followed thereafter with his speech. Seating arrangements were also
finalised during these consultations. If Wednesday's talks were
dominated by the opening statements and deliberations on the Ceasefire
Agreement itself, on Thursday there were wider issues. Main among
them was the issue of child conscription by the LTTE, the role of
paramilitary groups, Government and LTTE allegations of killings
and abductions. The Sunday Times (Situation Report) today gives
you an account of how these issues played during two days of talks.
Thursday when curtains came down on the talks, the task of formulating
a joint statement (SEE BOX STORY ON THIS PAGE) fell on Norwegian
facilitators. This is where the Sri Lanka delegation was put to
their strongest test. Anton Balasingham had made two strong demands
- (1) the Government of Sri Lanka should agree in the joint statement
to uphold article 1.8 in the Ceasefire Agreement. This provision
relates to dismantling paramilitary groups, or (2) guarantee in
the joint statement that it would ensure that paramilitary groups
would be dismantled. The Government delegation rejected both demands.
It was on the grounds that the Government had on no occasion had
any links with paramilitary groups or condoned their presence.
the Sri Lanka delegation offered a differently worded assurance.
It said "The Government of Sri Lanka is committed to taking
all necessary measures in accordance with the Ceasefire Agreement
to ensure that no armed group or person other than the Government
security forces will carry arms or conduct armed operations."
This was accepted.
of the Government delegation explained that this clause was only
a re-iteration of Government policy whether a CFA existed or not.
They held the view that no sovereign Government in any country would
condone an armed group or person carrying unauthorised weapons or
conducting armed operations. Moreover, the re-iteration of this
Government position also encompasses the LTTE. The inclusion of
this clause is in marked contrast to the hype and hyperbole by the
LTTE weeks ahead of the talks that it would specifically demand
an assurance from the Government for the dismantling of paramilitary
there was a contradiction on the government’s position with
regard to another provision in the joint statement. The Government
had asserted that it is "committed to respecting and upholding
the Ceasefire Agreement……" This is in marked contrast
to Mr. de Silva's opening speech in which he said the Government
considered the CFA as "prejudicial to the sovereignty and the
territorial integrity of the Republic of Sri Lanka."
Nevertheless, he said, certain benefits flowed to the people from
the observance of the ceasefire, which resulted in our strong determination
and desire to preserve the ceasefire. Therefore, would it not have
been better for the Government to have committed itself in the joint
statement to "respecting and upholding" the ceasefire
instead of the Ceasefire Agreement which it declares is "prejudicial
to the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the nation?
course, one of Sri Lanka's most eminent lawyers H.L. de Silva declared
last Wednesday that notwithstanding the negative aspects, the Government
of Sri Lanka had accepted the Ceasefire Agreement but not its legal
recognition. On the basis of such acceptance he wanted the two sides
to engage in the task of exploring ways and means of strengthening
and implementing it.
were tense moments in Geneva on Thursday evening when Norwegians
found it difficult to reconcile the positions of the two sides for
the joint statement. At one point, even the next round of talks
were in doubt with the two sides only expressing willingness to
meet at a future date. The two sides were told they could make their
own statements or allow Norway to make one on their behalf. But
Erik Solheim had swung it around. He later told a member of the
Government delegation this was the first time they (a Government
team) had used the negotiating table to the fullest.
is an account of the highlights on how the talks went on during
the two days:
Norway's Minister for International Development, Erik Solheim
made an opening address. It was followed by the Swiss Political
Director of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Urs Ziswiler.
Thereafter, statements were made by Anton Balasingham on behalf
of the LTTE and Nimal Siripala de Silva on behalf of the Government.
Balasingham complained that the Government of Sri Lanka delegation
was large in number and had come well prepared. The Government had
been reluctant to make available to the LTTE the names of their
delegation members. This was despite the LTTE making its delegation
known weeks earlier. He said apart from what he called this imbalance,
he was not happy at the nature of the discussion. He said the talks
should focus only on the Ceasefire Agreement and this was the mandate
given to his delegation by their leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran.
He said the speech made by the Government delegation was vague and
accused the Norwegian facilitators of not formulating a more focused
said the LTTE was only concentrating on the CFA. Paramilitary groups
are operating. As for issues with regard to recruitment, there is
no provision in the CFA to debar it. We have taken thousands of
children under our care to look after them. The agenda is the implementation
of the CFA.
Solheim explained that the statements were made in a general context.
The LTTE was right when they said the CFA had not forbidden recruitment.
He said the issue of child recruitment could be taken up at another
stage since implementation of the CFA was now the focal point.
Mr. Balasingham was to ask whether the Government of Sri Lanka accepted
the CFA. It is only if they accept its validity could its enforcement
be discussed. Mr. de Silva said irrespective of other issues, we
have indeed acknowledged and we are here to talk on strengthening
the CFA. He said if there were anomalies, they have to be corrected.
Mr. Balasingham pointed out that some of the articles in the CFA
must be adhered to. He said otherwise that would create problems.
Counsel H.L. de Silva expressed the view that legal validity arises
only when the CFA is subjected to a process of law. He said two
parties can accept a written understanding as an agreement.
Balasingham also said that if the Government was not prepared to
disarm paramilitary units there will be no other sessions of talks.
He said the LTTE delegation has come with a specific request to
disarm these elements. Even the donor co-chairs have made this request.
He said if the Government does not want war, they should disarm
these groups.
Inspector General of Police Chandra Fernando makes a statement.
Mr. Balasingham said there have been many instances of violence
when peace talks were held in Thailand. Two LTTE merchant vessels
were destroyed and 26 cadres were killed. Fishing trawlers were
attacked. The Karuna renegade faction received the support and sustenance
of the Government. They have their bases/camps inside military controlled
areas. You should not permit these groups to operate. They send
deep penetration teams and they kill within LTTE areas. Thereafter
they flee.
de Silva reminded that President Rajapaksa had assured that if these
persons are caught, they would be brought under the due process
of the law. He said the LTTE should accept and be satisfied with
this honest assurance. He said the Government should be given a
chance without predetermining its intentions.
Balasingham accused Douglas Devananda's EPDP of being both a political
party and a paramilitary group. He said the IGP should look into
camps operated by them. He said Mr. Devananda was then engaged in
killings in (Madras) in Tamil Nadu. He said the EPDP should function
as a political party. If this happened, the LTTE will not attack
him. He also accused the Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front
(ENDLF), a breakaway group of the People's Liberation Organisation
of Thamileelam (PLOT). He charged that their leader Paranthan Rajah
was protected by the Indian intelligence agency RAW. He had now
moved to Bangalore. He alleged that Rajah sent his cadres to Polonnaruwa
to carry out killings. EPDP cadres were now being trained together
with Karuna faction cadres. He said the ENDLF, EPDP and Karuna were
jointly functioning as one group.
Mr. Balasingham's arguments, Mr. de Silva said the LTTE must accept
the genuine assurance given by President Rajapaksa. He said the
Government would give an undertaking that no armed groups will operate
in their controlled areas. He said the Government would study the
facts made available by Mr. Balasingham in this regard.
brought a response from Mr. Balasingham. He said the LTTE accepted
the Government's assurance. He said he would convey that to his
leader, Mr. Prabhakaran. He added that if the Government takes positive
action, the Tamil people would appreciate it.
Bogollagama said de-escalation and normalisation were important
to the Government. He said Mr. Balasingham was empathic about the
civilian aspects. He asked what about the military. He said he appreciated
Mr. Balasingham's frankness. He had been candid on a number of issues.
Mr. Balasingham responded by saying de-escalation and normalisation
are inter connected. He said parties causing the violence must be
decommissioned. He said that would automatically lead towards normalisation.
Mrs. Ferial Ashraff rose to speak, Mr. Balasingham told her to speak
in Tamil. He said Mr. Thamilselvan would not otherwise understand.
But there was no translator. Mr. Solheim said she could speak in
English and LTTE translator George (Velupillai Kumaru Pancharatnam)
gave the Tamil version. She said one of the most disturbing facts
of the war was the fact that children were being drawn in. Mr. Balasingham
wanted to know whether she was talking about Muslim and Tamil children.
She replied she was speaking about children.
Thamilselvan said Mrs. Ashraff spoke as a mother and he would prefer
to speak as a father. Being a person familiar with the East, Mrs.
Ashraff most regrettably had not taken into account the total situation
in the area two years ago. Karuna was not behaving in a manner acceptable
to the LTTE leadership over child recruitment. That was one of the
factors that led to his expulsion.
Ashraff intervened to point out that during talks in Berlin and
also in Oslo the LTTE had agreed to work on a plan to exclude children.
I quoted a UNICEF report that dealt with a situation brought about
by the LTTE, she said. The Government is concerned about children
and that was why President Rajapaksa set up a Ministry for Children.
Lawyer Gomin Dayasiri intervened to say the Government had a right
to protect children. He said international law binds the LTTE to
protect children. Thamilselvan thanked her but shifted to making
references to children in the south who were being subjected to
manual labour and other abuse.
Balasingham said international law was a vast area. He said that
the Americans were recruiting under the age of 16. So did the British.
At the age of 18 they join the LTTE. We have hundreds of cases where
children join us and parents seek their release. But they are all
over 18 years. Mr. Solheim was to point out that recruitment was
not covered by the CFA. He said both sides are free to recruit and
added that age of recruitment is not mentioned in the CFA. The SLMM
has viewed recruitment of children as a violation. This figured
in talks in 2003 too.
Balasingham admitted that there had been underage recruitment of
children by the LTTE but added it has now stopped. Added Mr. Thamilselvan:
"We do not have large amount of funds to care for these children".
He said on behalf of the Tamil people and the LTTE he would urge
President Rajapaksa to take into serious consideration to disarm
paramilitary groups without delay. He said Mr. Prabhakaran has made
this a high priority.
Mr. de Silva said even if the LTTE accepted it or not, it was the
policy of President Rajapaksa to bring to book any party that is
resorting to any illegal activity. He said peace was the Government's
primary objective. "We will not, directly or indirectly, help
any party or group to engage in any illegal activity," he said.
the talks, Anton Balasingham was known to have told many members
of the Tamil media that the Sri Lanka delegation would receive their
biggest "orientation" course from him in Geneva. This
was after media reports that the Sri Lanka delegation was being
put through detailed briefings.
As the talks ended, it seems it is Mr. Balasingham and his fellow
delegates who have now received a fuller "orientation"
course from the Sri Lankan side.
with details, Police Chief confronts Bala

Chief, Chandra Fernando |
President Mahinda Rajapaksa's administration were to offer
rewards for performance to members of the Sri Lanka delegation
to the Geneva talks, one of the topmost contenders, no doubt,
would be the Police Chief, Chandra Fernando.
ahead of his departure to Geneva, he had burnt midnight oil
at his office at Police Headquarters arming himself with case
records, documents, finger prints and even photographs. One
evening, he gave a catalogue of documents he wanted to officials
of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), gave them
a deadline and wanted them delivered. The officials worked
late and voluminous files reached him on time. The hard work
became handy at the talks and Mr. Fernando came in for praise
by other members of the delegation.
If there were noteworthy performances, there were disappointments
too. Concerns were expressed both in Colombo and in Geneva
about the "non performance" of at least one delegate,
a Cabinet Minister. If he passed the microphone when he was
given a turn to speak, there were complaints that the only
thing he did was to chat in the lobby of Chateau de Bossey
with members of the Tiger guerrilla delegation.
When the talks began on Wednesday, the head of delegation
of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Anton Balasingham,
had blamed the renegade Karuna faction for the brutal murder
of former Foreign Minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar. This was
his response to the charge made by Sri Lanka delegation leader,
Nimal Siripala de Silva, during his inaugural speech.
de Silva paid tribute to the late Mr. Kadirgamar as "one
of the great statesmen of our times," internationally
respected, widely acclaimed and highly honoured. "The
fact that such a person was assassinated by the LTTE when
the ceasefire was in force demonstrates the disregard with
which the agreement had been treated and also highlights the
significant deficiencies of the current ceasefire," he
pointed out.
On Thursday Mr. Fernando held out the fingerprints of late
Mr. Kadirgamar's assassin. "They were found on the weapon
and the tripod used in the killing," he said. He gave
the name of the killer and declared he was an LTTE member.
They were now hiding somewhere in the Wanni.
Mr Fernando began with a personal introduction about joining
the Police force in 1973. Throughout his career he had been
in close touch with developments in Jaffna. "My colleague
seated on your (the LTTE) delegation, Mr Nadesan (Balasingham
Mahendran) was one of my constables in 1975. I know his wife
also very well."
Mr Nadesan is now the "Police Chief" of the LTTE.
"Since the murder of Mayor Alfred Duraiappah (on July
27 1975), the LTTE has had a history of killings," Mr.
Fernando said. He read out a number of names and added that
even political leaders who were in the democratic mainstream
like the late Mr. Appapillai Amirthalingam were killed. He
referred to several murders carried out by Tiger guerrillas
during the ceasefire. This included Lt. Col. Tuan Muthaliff
of the Army's Directorate of Military Intelligence, SSP Charles
Wijewardena and Tamil journalist Relangi Selvarajah. He also
referred to several attempts by the LTTE on the life of Douglas
Devananda, leader of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP).There
had also been attacks on EPDP offices by Tiger guerrillas.
He said suspects connected with some of the murders were in
Police custody. "We know what they have told us about
the LTTE and how they wanted the murders carried out. If we
are given a mandate to go into LTTE areas we would apprehend
the culprits and subject them to the due process of law,"
he pointed out.
Mr. Fernando said: "We are committed to peace. Our President
has vowed that he is for peace. It has to be honourable peace,
he has said." The Sri Lankan police chief also blamed
the LTTE for the murder of their own political wing leader
for Batticaloa district, Kaushalyan. "There are strong
indications towards this," he declared. The remarks prompted
Anton Balasingham to laugh loudly.
was killed on the night of February 7, 2005 at Welikande together
with four others. It included former MP, Chandra Nehru.
Looking at him, Mr. Fernando went on. "We are impartial.
We don't take sides Mr. Balasingham. Our concern is that the
due process of the law must take place." He referred
to the reported abduction at Welikande of members of the Tamil
Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) and gave a detailed account
from Police reports. "I want Mr Pulithevan (Seevaratnam
Prabagaran) and Mr Nadesan (Balasingham Mahendran) to accompany
me. I will take you under protection and show you what has
happened. You can see them for yourself," Mr. Fernando
At this point Mr. Balasingham raised issue with Erik Solheim
over too much time being allowed to the Sri Lanka delegation.
He explained this was done in the best interests of the dialogue
so there is fuller exchange of views but assured sufficient
time would be given to the LTTE side.
Mr. Balasingham declared, "Serious charges have been
levelled against the LTTE by the Sri Lankan IGP. This ethnic
war has taken a toll of 70,000 Tamil people. Successive governments
have conceded that grave harm has been caused to the Tamil
people. Even Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratuanga has
admitted that serious harm has been caused to the Tamil people
through state oppression, he said.
He said during the ethnic violence of 1983 some 6,000 Tamils
had died. " As a result of "state oppression"
we emerged as an armed group to kill your soldiers. We are
not a political party but an armed group. We have been killing
GOSL (Government of Sri Lanka) people. We do not deny that.
There has been genocide. The IGP, please listen to me,"
he declared.
Balasingham added: "You cannot reduce the totality of
our armed struggle by simply listing isolated incidents. We
will kill. That is our job. We do not deny that. There has
been a war. What we are trying now is to prevent it. If we
go on listening to the 48 brutal massacres we have listed,
it will go on for days."
Mr Balasiangham was evidently angered by Mr Fernando's remarks.
He said, "please understand Mr. IGP, this is not a police
station. We are aware of your arrests and the people you release.
There are double agents. I do not want to embarrass or humiliate
at Nimal Siripala de Silva, he said, "I did not say that
Karuna was responsible for Kadirgamar killing. Conclude your
investigations and you will know how to come to a conclusion."
Mr. Balasingham said the LTTE had lost 20,000 of its cadres
during the war. "It was a high scale mutual killing and
slaughter. We have realised the futility. The Norwegians have
come in at that time." He said because of the prevailing
situation, the LTTE was training Jaffna citizens to fight
back. This is for self defence of our areas and to protect
our people, he pointed out.
delegation leader Nimal Siripala de Silva, who said the Government
had no links with any paramilitary groups, Mr. Balasingham
declared, "you have political connections with them.
You know well that these organisations have military wings.
Such wings have not been dismantled yet. We have in our custody
several persons who have confirmed this to us."
Mr Balasingham said it would be embarrassing for the Government
to admit its involvement with paramilitary groups who are
responsible for "so many killings."
Mahinda Rajapaksa," he said, "has given some assurance
through other sources that he will disarm these groups. I
can confidently assure that if this is done the threat of
war will come to an end and we can move forward."
Mr. Balasingham added: "We are still struggling to formulate
a common agenda. We are just sticking to the Ceasefire Agreement
and believe everything is flawed. H.L. de Silva complains
about ambiguities of the CFA and thinks it is flawed. I speak
at length about war but the IGP speaks about killings. The
attitude here is not congenial or compromising.
"Rejection of autonomy for us, a Tamil homeland or our
other demands will not work. If you want to resolve this problem
do not confine yourself to only existing viewpoints and Mahinda
Chinthanaya. They are only congenial to the Sinhala majority.
That is what I call a closed universe. We have formed a Government
of our own. Otherwise it will soon be a de facto state."
joint statement: Govt., LTTE committed to truce
The following eight paragraph statement was issued by Norwegian
peace facilitators after the Geneva talks between the Government
and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
"The Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) met in Geneva 22-23 February
2006 for talks on the Ceasefire Agreement.
"The parties discussed issues related to the ceasefire,
including the concerns of the Muslim, Sinhalese, and Tamil
civilians. "The GOSL and the LTTE are committed to respecting
and upholding the Ceasefire Agreement, and reconfirmed their
commitment to fully co-operate with and respect the rulings
of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM).
"The GOSL and the LTTE are committed to taking all necessary
measures to ensure that there will be no intimidation, acts
of violence, abductions or killings.
LTTE is committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure
that there will be no acts of violence against the security
forces and police. The GOSL is committed to taking all necessary
measures in accordance with the Ceasefire Agreement to ensure
that no armed group or person other than Government security
forces will carry arms or conduct armed operations.
GOSL and the LTTE discussed all issues concerning the welfare
of children in the North East, including the recruitment of
"The SLMM will report on implementation on the above
agreements at the next session of talks. "The parties
requested the Swiss Government to host the next round of talks
in Geneva on 19-21 April 2006." |