Agents honoured by Jet Airways
It’s a sign that business is good when a company flies over owners and managers of travel agencies from Chennai, India, for an awards ceremony — and at the Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo.

Welcome to Jet Airways evening last week to thank those agents and partners for doing a good job over the last year. And it wasn’t just Indian agents, but those in Colombo too.

The date was also significant as it was the second anniversary for the airlines first commercial flight to Sri Lanka. In those two years the company has seen significant growth, according to P. T. Jacob, Country Manager, Sri Lanka. But the night belonged to those that had worked hard to sell Jet Airways — who recently took over Air Sahara pending Indian government approval, expected in three months.

The great thing about this evening, one of many, was the friendly spirit between all the winners. Those from India, and the locals, all knew each other and there was no feeling of jealousy or envy to be seen — it might have helped that the wine was flowing from the off, but who knows!

There were 15 Indian winners and 9 from Colombo, meaning there were many, but for Sri Lanka they were: Gabo Travels, Haifa Travels, Hemas Travels, Loard Travels, Mackinnons American Express, Raj Travels, Sprint Travels, Thomas Cook Overseas, and Travels Joy.

For Jet Airways, it is enjoying an 80 percent capacity for the flights between the two countries, and as Mr Jacob said, “With the growth pattern looking very good.”

U. Harish Shenoy, General Manager, South India & Sri Lanka, said this was the first international awards the company had done. “This works well for being the end of the financial year in India and that it just happens to be the second anniversary of flights between the two countries,” he said. For return flights it’s Rs 16,200 to Chennai, the same price as everyone else that flies the route — Air Sahara, Indian Airlines and Sri Lanka ....

But why should people choose Jet? “It's the service that counts and that’s what we offer. It’s the most important thing. But we also have a frequent flier programme that our customers really like,” Mr Harish said.

To find out, of course, you have to find out for yourself, but the good thing is there seems to be the agencies around to help you out.

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