

The aura of a queen
By Dhananjani Silva
Her glowing complexion, sparkling personality and charming smile are what shine through. Just twenty years of age, Jacqueline Fernandez who stands 5’ 7” tall is blessed with both beauty and brains. And she is the country’s new Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe 2006.
Presently attached to ETV, Jacqueline is also an English teacher at the Sevana Lama Nivasa and dreams of one day being an international broadcaster.
Still glowing with the joy of having won this most prestigious title, Jacqueline sat down with The Sunday Times for a brief interview:

How would you describe yourself?
I am a person with a lot of mental strength and will-power. I never give up.

Tell us about your family
My parents live and work in Bahrain. My mother works for the Gulf Daily News and my father is an Events Manager in a company there. My two elder brothers are studying at the University of Canberra, Australia and my elder sister is married and lives in the USA. As a family, we are all each other’s best friend and I am really grateful for the support I receive from them.

What inspired you to take part in this pageant?
When I returned to Sri Lanka after University I was looking for a gateway to further my humanitarian goals in Sri Lanka. I am very passionate about any form of philanthropy such as women’s rights, children’s issues and even animal rights. I believe Miss Sri Lanka is a perfect opportunity for young women to voice their opinion. That is why I didn’t hesitate to apply.

What was the most interesting thing about the Miss Sri Lanka pageant?
For me the most interesting thing happened to be the fact that you are really challenging yourself. You get to see your abilities and your limits and how far you would persevere in your goals and your passion. It was a great opportunity to test the limits of my soul and to acknowledge the strength I have in me. Being on the pageant was such a great experience. It made me stronger; it made me a better and a more positive person.

Describe how you felt in the final few moments at the pageant?
For me it was a battle right throughout and I never expected to win. In my opinion, although you should have confidence when participating in a pageant as such, you should not be overconfident. There was so much tension and anxiety within me in the final few minutes. Even when they called out my name it was as if I was still dreaming…

What was the first thing that came to your mind when you won the title?
Victory comes to those who are persistent and when they called out my name I knew that I had won the opportunity to represent the country and I felt really proud. I felt proud and more grateful to be a Sri Lankan.

How does it feel to be Miss Sri Lanka?
It is still the first week after I was crowned as Miss Sri Lanka. Definitely it is going to be very hectic and I will get busier in time to come. I know lots of people think that when you become a beauty queen there is not much to do, but I believe that winning a title as such is a huge responsibility because you belong to your country and to me, it is about being an ambassador and a spokesperson for your country. It is such a privilege.

How would you prepare for the forthcoming Miss Universe pageant? What are the areas that you think you should work on?
You have to be prepared professionally, mentally and of course physically. So you have to maintain a healthy diet, you have to make sure you go to the gym. I intend doing a lot more public speaking classes because you are the spokesperson for your country. I really want to focus on charity projects.
Also for Miss Universe you have to be prepared to work on humanitarian issues. I think the best preparation for that would be interacting with people, listening to their issues, seeing how you can help them while being a motivational speaker using your title.

What is your most outstanding talent?
I can speak several languages including English, Sinhala, French, Arabic and Spanish. And I pick up languages very easily from different people I meet, by being with them and mainly because I am so interested in their culture and languages. Apart from that, I can catch a mosquito with one hand (laughs).

What are your achievements in life?
From a young age I have always been ambitious and independent. I try to make my parents feel proud -that is always at the back of my mind. Academically, I have been top in the class while I was schooling in Bahrain. I was the school Head Girl as well as the Sports Captain. I won a scholarship to my University in Sydney. Now, I have won the opportunity to represent my country internationally. I am very proud of my achievements. With my dedication and determination I hope my spirit in life would continue.

What makes a complete beauty queen?
To me, a beauty queen has got to radiate the innate aura of a queen. She has to be someone who really feels for her country and have confidence and the grace to represent the country.

What is your motto in life?
Don’t look at things the way they are and say why, but dream things that never work and say why not.

Who supported you to become who you are today?
My parents have always been a pillar of strength to me. They brought out the best in me. Also a lot of support came from my sister and brothers, my grandparents and my friends. And of course from God.

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