
Boa Athukorale sends his reply to the Rugby Union
By Harry Jayachandra
In the aftermath of Imthi Marikkar’s statement to the SLRFU, the trainer of CH & FC Boa Athukorale who was also suspended, sent his statement as well as some comments. When the Sunday Times contacted Neil Wijeratne of the Disciplinary Committee he said; “We are only empowered to make recommendations not to impose sanctions.

Honorary Secretary of the SLRFU Fazal Mohommad confirmed that the Disciplinary Committee had only recommended that ‘suitable action be taken against Imthi Marikkar and Boa Athukorale’ while the Committee had recommended that ‘the three players involved and the CH team be suspended’. Mohommad confirmed that it was the Council’s decision to suspend Marikkar and Athukorale,.despite IRB regulations stating that ‘a suspension has to be imposed within 48 hours of the incident.’.

Following are excerpts of Athukorale’s letter to Fazal Mohommad
Please understand that I have done voluntarily as no one requested me to give a statement. I am well aware of the IRB and SANZAR code on such hearings and inquiries. At no time was I contacted on this issue by the SLRFU or the citing commissioner for the match. All correspondence has been sent for filing to my attorney with Simpson Grierson of Auckland and I have also sought help and advise from Grammar Carlton judicial officer into the correct procedure of handling citations and inquiries.

Therefore the whole handling of this matter can be very easily and successfully challenged and compensation sought, if at all it comes to that. So I hope that we sort this out mutually and this suspension given to me is dropped and acknowledged Following is an excerpt of statement sent to you on the 13th of February 2006

I wish to clarify my position on the events which took place at the Singer professional sevens final on Sunday the 29th Jan. 2006. During the stoppage of play after CH (my team) scored their 2nd try, I went on to the field as permitted carrying drinks to my players. Soon afterwards while jogging back to the CH bench I felt a strike to the back of my right ear. I was initially shocked and thought someone had thrown an object at me. Then as I turned back, Kandy Player N Weerakkody shouted at me with an aggressive posture; "don’t shout to my player".

Then did I realize he had assaulted me from the back, while I jogged back for reason alleged that I shouted at a Kandy player. I did NOT retaliate at any point, and soon 2 Kandy players approached me and consoled and said "Don't worry" in sinhala. The strike came as shock to me and it was obviously blatant and a cheap shot. Later on I went back to my position on the CH bench. My conduct as a player and trainer has always been very professional and this alleged "sledge" is rather inconsistent with that.

That is the very reason I did not retaliate, because the field is no place for violence and being the judge and handing out punishment is the referees job Also I would like to point out that carrying drinks and messages by me was done right through out the tournament on both days, with both of our teams. At no point did any of the officials handling the games find it illegal or an issue. As a trainer with Grammar Carlton Rugby football club in Auckland-New Zealand for the last 3 years, I am well aware of the procedure of entering the field and the code of conduct.

Moreover I would like to add that I was NOT contacted personally by any means to make a statement, and I do so voluntarily. I am very disappointed and sad that this occurred at such a crucial game. All other opponents and teams we played appreciated our on field conduct and this saddens me more.
-- Boa Athukorala


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