TV Times

‘Glamour by Timothy’
Timothy Weeraratne, the renowned cinematographer is launching an innovative new photographic concept called ‘Glamour by Timothy’ - a concept of before and after makeovers. The thinking behind this unique idea is people looking beautiful and glamorous in their photographs by changing the lighting and angle of photography.

Looking glamorous is not restricted to models and film stars. It is now possible for all Sri Lankans to look like movie stars in photographs. This make-over concept is first of its kind in Sri Lanka. According to Weeraratne, a person does not need make up to look beautiful, photographs taken in the correct angles can make people beautiful. But, the decision of whether the customer wants the photograph with or without makeup is the customer's. Apart from individual portraits, family and children photographs can also be taken. In such photographs imaginative scenarios too can be requested. The customer is also given the option of obtaining the photograph on a CD together with the traditional version.

"I have always admired my father's photography and when he suggested this concept I immediately got involved," says Sangeetha Weeraratne, acclaimed actress and daughter of Timothy Weeraratne.

The photographs will be taken at the state-of-the-art Timothy Studios at 366, Union Place, Colombo-02 (Hyde Park Corner) on an appointment basis and are guaranteed for 25 years. The latest technology in photography and lighting is being used. The portraits are priced reasonably making them accessible to masses.

"Looking glamorous and feeling good about yourself is not for just a privileged group of people. Every one has something in them that is just waiting to be brought to light and captured," says Timothy Weeraratne. Timothy Weeraratne has been a cinematographer for more than four decades and has taken photographs of many prominent and renowned personalities, politicians. He qualified as a cinematographer in India at a time when there was only one other in this profession in Sri Lanka.

(The interview cordinated by Glenda Parthipan of ‘Emphasis’ )


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