TV Times

Malaka's ‘Transference’ wins in Bollywood
Malaka Deshapriya, a young Sri Lankan short filmmaker won an award at Sports Movies and TV- 1st Mumbai International FICTS Festival held recently.
Malaka won the Silver Ten Award from the short film category for his film ‘Transference’.

Organised in the heart of world's biggest film Industry Bollywood (in Mumbai) where close to 1000 films are made every year, "Sport Movies and TV - 1st Mumbai International FICTS Festival" was organized to support filmmakers by giving opportunities to come and interact with the throbbing film Industry to network and collaborate to jointly make more films.

While Malaka won the Silver the Golden TEN Award was won by Amit Kumar for his direction The Bypass at the festival held from March 1 to 5.
At stake are Golden Ten Awards and Silver Ten Awards for Best Film/ Short Films/ Documentaries in each category. The winning films / Documentaries will get a direct entry in the Milan edition of the Festival, which takes place every year in October in Milan, Italy to compete for the Guirlande d' Honneur worth thousands of Euros. Films are judged by a top Jury comprising Professionals from the world of Cinema, Advertising, Sports and Media.


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