villagers believe that there are no medicines for foolishness and
arrogance reflected through the saying “Moda kamatath Udangu
kamatath beth netha”. The western fairy tales, The Emperor's
New Clothes and the Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Evil
King”, show us of the many acts of foolishness and arrogance
of those in the highest seats of governance.
The Wise Old Owl has heard, seen in action and spoken of in recent
months of the foolishness and arrogance of those in governance,
beginning with the chief executive and his team around, and the
chief of the justice, police and treasury systems. This may lead
to the conclusion that, that being foolish and arrogant is a prerogative
of those in governance in state services. This being far from the
truth, it is time to look at a case study, one of the many, from
the private sector itself.
A small business venture is carried on associated with another larger
venture and mainly supports the realisation of the objectives of
the latter. The small venture also engages in other commercial activities
on a marginal scale. The quality of output of the smaller venture
is admired by many and praised in public. The usual malady then
sets in. Management arrogance and foolishness takes over. Associated
with it complacency, lack of commitment to quality and service and
a belief that any achievement however stretching in demand is not
impossible becomes the management credo.
It is now time for consultants to be called in and for big dream
plans to be made requiring equally big investments. A beautifully
bound fairy tale called a corporate plan and associated financial
forecasts are approved by a newly set up subsidiary. The subsidiary
then invites an investment from a venture partner and accommodates
on the board of the newly formed company their associates and investors,
who have no clue of the business, associated risks and the applicable
value drivers. Before the new investor is invited in the inflated
egos of capability drives the assets to be re-valued to levels inconsistent
with the capacity of the assets to deliver cash flows that justify
the revaluation. Nevertheless the revaluation is carried out with
a Chartered Valuer lending his name for a fat fee.
The management now needs to show to the new venture partners, the
delivery of the promise and starts the process of cooking the books
of account. The first opportunity is to capitalize financial costs
along with a liberal allocation of labour and maintenance costs
as a part of the transfer from the capital work in progress. The
next option is of course the valuation of stocks and work in progress,
an easy way to inflate returns to desired level by a mere substitution
of valuations certified by management.
Next in the process of window dressing was to get enhanced revenues
recorded. Sales to related parties provide the management solution
to the challenge. To make it material, worthwhile and scaled up,
sales outlets are commercially justified and the Board nods its
assent. Not only sales but the expenses for operations and capital
assets are funded and shown as related party debt. The operational
results of the sales outlets are not consolidated giving justifiable
The next corporate plan, following these successes, is even more
ambitious and rosy. The smell of sweet success is enjoyed by all
in leadership; this requires the formation of an associate company
to expand business along with investment in new technology and capacity
building. Of course a new administrative building, with plush air
conditioned offices and a board room along with a swanky reception,
is a sine qua non. Business diversification has to be the next obvious
step. Two new lines of business are entered in to, in a hurry without
validation of associated competition, risks and required marketing
The fundamentals of supply chain management, enterprise resource
management, financial control, compliance, value drivers of the
business, timely management information and management efficiency
and effectiveness, the viability of the business model for sustainable
growth and shared vision by a committed and capable management are
the least in the order of priority.
The bankers of the entity extended facilities without reservation,
relying not on cash flows but on property security. The auditors
approve the accounts covering their liability with qualifications.
The rot has firmly set in. The foolishness and arrogance of management
and the board continue until the cash crunch wakes them one day.
Yet a deep shared understanding of the nature of the challenges
have not dawned nor have emerged an honest and thorough review of
intentions, capacities, ground realities and potential . Management
yet shy away from criticism and fail to recognise the need for immediate
surgery to remove the cancer and holistic and realistic long term
plan deliverable by capable and committed management. May they rest
in peace!
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The distinction between the mercantile and the heroic character
of business is neither new nor particularly deep. But it is a useful
distinction in understanding the attitude of business towards war
and peace at a time when the homeland is under attack from a force
whose ruthlessness is rooted in a culture of excessive zeal for
martyrdom, rather than in a culture of life.
Although no business is entirely of one or the other character,
some business undertakings clearly have a predominantly heroic character.

soldier patrols the coastline in Trincomalee. |
There is no question that a business is heroic, when it prepares
the way as a pioneer; or when it proves to be of a hardy breed;
or when it is a David taking on Goliaths; or when it infuses a novel
element into a prevailing scheme of things.
Likewise only a cynic would deny the stamp of heroism to a business
that makes a comeback after a devastating defeat; or one that persists
in being the best and in excelling over others in meeting our ever-increasing
expectations of making life progressively more efficient, stable
and sweet.
Indeed some businesses set out to achieve difficult, novel or beautiful
things, animated by a feeling of supreme confidence, exalted courage,
considerable ingenuity, and a yearning for greatness.
Understandably, not all the businesses are similarly animated. Before
the growth of the capitalistic ways of organising an economy, politics
and military service were the main arenas in which the human yearning
for greatness could manifest itself in action. But capitalism is
a relatively new experience for much of the East.
Likewise, historically in the East, the rituals of servitude and
despotism are far more deeply ingrained than those of liberty and
the rule of law. It would therefore be unrealistic to expect a keen
awareness of the sense of both the dignity and greatness of the
human spirit to be a commonplace in the East.
Besides, the great moral faiths of the East have been hostile to
any concern with pride. But what is love of greatness but the concern
for pride on a grand scale?
However, despite the historical character of our habits, the habitual
ways of doing business is becoming increasingly heroic in the East,
including perhaps in our own country.
The era of imitations, counterfeits and statist-cronyism may not
be completely behind us; and bold experimentation might not be quite
ahead of us. But change is taking place.
The sentient beings are extraordinarily plastic. When conditions
force change, novel behaviour emerges.
Besides, notwithstanding, the religious opposition to it, love of
greatness is a powerful yearning of the soul. It can only be suffocated
by a sense of immeasurable sin, of unworthiness and impotence.
After all, we must not forget that Japan changed from imitators
to great experimenters. To be sure, Japan was a militaristic society
that took enthusiastically to Westernisation since the opening up
of Japan to the West by the American naval office Commdore Perry
in 1853.
However, there are more than historically determined habits that
stand in the way of putting heroism into business undertakings.
The calculating skills of commerce and the lure of monetary gain
have the potential to bind a man firmly to a narrowly pragmatic
creed and endow him with a moral disposition defined by a deep and
abiding “preference for possessions that are profitable and
useful rather than for those that are beautiful and unprofitable”,
to borrow an illustrious utterance.
Such a mercantilistic or crudely practical disposition might even
be deemed praiseworthy in peace times, as a factor in national prosperity.
But it is difficult to imagine how such a disposition could be an
ally of progress when terrorism has overtaken the nation building
process and the need to place the war option on the negotiation
table, not as a bluff but as a final resort, is inexorably linked
to decisiveness.
For, the mercantilistic habits of business smother and overwhelm
such feelings as anger, righteous indignation, or resentment; and
such idealistic considerations as loyalty, truthfulness, or the
dignity of being a man.
Where the desire to do deals and get good bargains is all consuming
nothing else really matters – especially that which impedes
the profitable employment of time, effort and resources, from personal
slights to those impulses, emotions and desires that aim primarily
at pride, beauty, justice, or wisdom. Wealth and power might make
a mercantilist arrogant. But arrogance is not pride. Rather it is
the price of vice; and pride is the prize of virtue.
In a word, the unheroic way of doing business renders man hostile
to the progress of civilisation that demands recourse to war, executed
ruthlessly, and aimed at, as in our case, making nation building
once more a democratic project, unending and continuous.
It is perhaps just as well that the mercantilists are hostile to
war, unless there is profit to be had. The JVP, typically glowing
with national pride, revealed its mettle as well as its confidence
in the security forces in the axing of its May Day rally –
and rocked the agenda of the Tamil terrorists.
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Sunil Karunanayake
In keeping with the statutory provisions covering economic activities,
price stability and financial systems stability, the Central Bank's
Annual Report was presented to the Finance Minister and released
to the public last week.
Last year, which started on a disastrous note with the major losses
in human life and property in the aftermath of the tsunami, ended
on a positive note reflecting an economic growth of 6 percent.
Impressive industrial exports despite the impact on MFA on garments,
increase of private remittances, major agricultural crops aided
by good weather recording impressive crops, paddy (2,013 thousand
tons and 1,233 thousand tons in Maha & Yala), tea (a record
317 million kilograms), inflow of tsunami relief funds and the effects
of the debt moratorium improving the balance of payment surplus
and improving external reserves being the key significant factors
behind this remarkable performance.
account to widen
The latest trade statistics released up to the end of February indicates
a worsening trade balance at $450 million in comparison to $181.4
million for the corresponding period of 2005.
Given this scenario and the recent global oil price hike, where
a barrel rose to $70, sends a serious warning for events to come.
Issues in Iran and Nigeria could exert even more pressure.
The debt moratorium benefits and tsunami relief funds flows are
unlikely to continue to cushion the current account deficit. The
soaring oil prices will affect every aspect of economic activity.
It is hard to imagine a stable exchange rate regime in this reality.
Asian economic growth is likely to come under heavy pressure from
rising oil prices. Recently the leaders of ASEAN countries met to
assess the situation and vowed to cooperate in energy development
to tackle rising costs.
Many Asian economies are manufacturing intensive and heavily oil
dependent. The IMF forecasts Asia's growth to slow down. Growth
in fast-growing industrial economies, read China and India, too
is expected to be adversely affected as they are major oil consumers.
The Philippines is making arrangements to develop alternative and
renewable energy resources and increasing cooperation with the oil-rich
Middle East. The country is also considering setting up a special
unit to handle such activities.
nothing is not an option
Despite gloomy forecasts and much activity on energy conservation
taking place around the region, Sri Lanka seems totally insensitive
to the situation other than revising the prices upwards periodically.
Here too they have done away with the global price-linked price
mechanism that provided lower shocks. Setting the clock back too
is going to bring in an adverse economic effect owing to increased
energy consumption, certainly not what we want at this stage.
While much criticism has been leveled against subsidies we cannot
forget the poor and they rightfully deserve government assistance.
I am not aware of any research done on traffic congestion and the
related fuel wastage in the city, but the presumption is: it's enormous.
We cannot expect a sudden expansion of road networks nor flyovers
that are long term projects. But why cannot some priority be given
to the traffic issue rather than leave it in the hands of helpless,
untrained traffic officers who often give directions to motorists
instead of relying on automated traffic signals.
Then arbitrary road closures are affected without analyzing the
impact. We should follow the Philippines example and set up a special
unit to curtail misuse and wastage of fuel.
It's no secret that politicians use fleets of high energy consuming
vehicles and with the concept of jumbo cabinets and project ministers,
provincial ministers etc, expenditure on this account has gone beyond
reasonable limits.
Why not reconsider the policies of the import of vehicles of high-fuel
usage which even our roads cannot absorb. It's a pity that over
the years the railways have been doomed for ruination resulting
in goods transport being confined mostly to road.
A circular bus service touching the key areas of the city would
certainly be a boon to motorists who now have to drive their vehicles
into such areas at tremendous cost to themselves and the country.
Rising fuel costs will have a snowballing adverse effect on poverty,
competitiveness of exports, budgetary discipline and inflation,
cost of living and demands for higher wages. This is a priority
for the government as much as the war.
for the week
Within an environment of gloom with threats to peace and stability,
as well as roadblocks back in the city, Sri Lanka ruggerites scored
a morale-boosting victory over China to progress on their path towards
qualifying for the World Cup.
As reiterated in this column sports is now a global industry and
is a economic stimulant and those who were at Longden Place last
Saturday would have witnessed the large expatriate spectator groups
and the international officials who were present despite adverse
publicity on the security issues in the global media.
Comments on this article should be sent to the writer at suvink@eureka.lk
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York – The US beverage industry has agreed to fight child
obesity by cutting calories and shrinking the serving sizes of drinks
sold at schools in a deal brokered by self-described former "fat
kid" Bill Clinton.
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cadbury Schweppes and the American Beverage
Association volunteered for the program that will ban some of their
best-selling products from a market of 35 million U.S. public school
Under the plan unveiled on Wednesday at Clinton's New York-based
foundation, the number of calories in school beverages will be capped
at 100 except for certain milks and juices. By comparison, a can
of regular Coca-Cola has 140 calories.
"Today is significant much like it was when Roger Bannister
ran a four-minute mile or when the sound barrier was broken. Many
did it later but somebody had to do it first," said Arkansas
Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has joined Clinton's campaign against child
obesity and battled chronic obesity himself.
Since 1980, obesity rates have tripled among adolescents aged 13
to 17 and doubled among younger children, according to a federal
government report issued on Tuesday. An estimated 16 percent of
children aged 6 to 19 are obese, it said.
Clinton illustrated how the program could help, saying an 8-year-old
who cuts 45 calories a day from his diet would be 20 pounds (9 kg)
lighter by the time he or she graduates from high school.
The former president, who has had two heart-related operations in
recent years and was overweight as a child, has made child obesity
one of his top public policy issues since leaving the White House
in 2001.
Clinton praised the beverage industry for taking a risk with the
initiative. But one expert said vending machines in schools are
not a big revenue source for carbonated soft-drink manufacturers.
"The effect on their business will be minimal," said Manny
Goldman, a beverage industry consultant. "There's a lot more
than soft drinks that is responsible for childhood obesity. But
soft drinks are visible products and are an easy target."
The agreement is part of a larger effort by Clinton's nonprofit
foundation and the American Heart Association to promote a better
diet and more active lifestyle for youths.
The beverage industry agreed to apply the new limits to 75 percent
of the nation's public and private schools before the start of the
2008-09 school year and apply it to all schools a year later.
Elementary schools will sell only water, small servings of juices
with no added sweeteners, and small servings of milk that are fat-free
or low-fat.
Middle schools will have the same restrictions while allowing slightly
larger portion sizes. For high schools, at least half of available
beverages must be water, zero-calorie and low-calorie drinks.
– Reuters.