passionate artist, a free spirit, a nature lover… Shanila De Alwis
who’s the combination of them all presents the final day of her
third solo art exhibition Ethnic Fusion, today from 10 a.m. – 7
p.m. at the Harold Peiris Art Gallery (above the Lionel Wendt Art
Shanila’s latest collection of paintings, inspired by Sri Lankan
culture, life, rituals and nature, is brought to life through unusual
textures and vibrant colour. Art has always been an inspiration
in Shanila's life, and is something she loves doing, as it gives
her an immense sense of satisfaction. She believes that the discipline
and hard work that goes into it always brings back rich dividends.
Over the years, her art has been recognised and appreciated by a
wide audience, including renowned artists, private collectors and
leading organisations, both local and foreign.
According to Shanila, no matter what subject matter a painting comprises,
whether figurative, abstract or contemporary, the painting should
give life to its surroundings, while creating an atmosphere which
best complements the environment it is in. She does this using mixed
media and acrylics and via another speciality of hers, the use of
series paintings. She captures a certain series of movements, expressions,
events or processes in series and displays them side by side on
the wall, almost like relating a story, but at the same time enabling
the viewer to make his/her own interpretation of what they see.
‘Kandyan Splendour’, ‘Orchids Series’ and ‘Dawning of Peace’, are
some of the many series works she has done that are not just eye
catching, but also very creative and unique.
Visit www.shaniladealwis.com
for more details and the paintings featured in the exhibition may
also be accessed on the site, upon its conclusion.