Celebrating the nativity
By Esther Williams
Tunes of much-loved Christmas carols beckoned people on December 11, to the Cathedral, bedecked with brilliant poinsettias and decorated wreaths. Lamp stands lit with tiny bulbs paved the isle leading to the manger scene depicting the birth of Jesus. The Colombo International School was celebrating the nativity.
The solemn carol service of nine lessons began with a prayer for peace on earth and for unity and brotherhood while remembering the poor, helpless, cold, hungry, orphaned, sick and lonely. In walked the choir, singing in angelic voices 'O come Emmanuel' in Latin as it was originally written and sung.
The carol service was an opportunity for students of the school to appreciate what Christmas was really about. As they sang both familiar and new carols and read excerpts from the Bible, nativity characters – Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus, angels, shepherds and their sheep, the star and the three wise men entered, reminding the congregation of the events that took place over 2000 years ago but celebrated every year.